Conflict between Israel and Palestinians, Israeli Defense Minister's criticism of government's war strategy in Gaza

Israeli Defense Minister criticizes the government for ignoring discussions on replacing Hamas in Gaza, leading to a political firestorm. Netanyahu claims efforts to replace Hamas are covert. Hard-right members call for the defense minister to be replaced. Settlers rally for building Jewish settlements in Gaza. Netanyahu resists calls for Gaza to be governed by the Palestinian Authority.

Key Points

  • Israeli Defense Minister criticizes lack of discussion on replacing Hamas in Gaza
  • Netanyahu claims efforts to replace Hamas are covert
  • Settlers rally for building Jewish settlements in Gaza
  • Netanyahu resists calls for Gaza to be governed by the Palestinian Authority


  • Provides insight into the ongoing conflict between Israel and Palestinians
  • Highlights the internal political dynamics within Israel regarding the war strategy in Gaza


  • Reflects the deep-rooted tensions and challenges in finding a resolution to the conflict