United States Industrial Policy and Economic Strategy

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Sen. Marco Rubio outlines the need for a new industrial policy in the United States to benefit the working class and combat globalism and China's economic influence, contrasting it with the Biden administration's approach. The policy would prioritize domestic industrialization and address issues such as deindustrialization and dependence on China for key components. Rubio also discusses the impact of immigration and tariffs on the American economy.

Key Points

  • Need for a new industrial policy in the U.S.
  • Impact of deindustrialization on American society
  • Discussion on immigration and its effect on wages and labor force
  • Importance of tariffs in protecting domestic production


  • Promotes domestic industrial base and benefits the working class
  • Addresses issues of deindustrialization and dependence on China for key components


  • Critics may argue it promotes protectionism and could lead to trade wars