Corrosiveness of TikTok and Rise in Attacks on Women in New York City

Mayor Eric Adams attributes recent attacks on women in New York City to the corrosiveness of TikTok, highlighting a concerning trend of assaults and violent behavior influenced by social media. The city is facing a rise in crime rates and lawlessness, with assaults and car thefts on the rise despite an overall decrease in crime for the year. The situation is exacerbated by the left's soft-on-crime policies and the influx of illegal immigrants.

Key Points

  • Mayor Eric Adams links recent attacks on women to the corrosiveness of TikTok
  • Crime rates in New York City are on the rise, despite an overall decrease in crime for the year
  • Soft-on-crime policies and the influx of illegal immigrants are contributing to the lawlessness in the city


  • Highlighting the negative impact of social media on influencing anti-social behavior and violence
  • Raising awareness about the safety concerns faced by women in public spaces


  • Demonizing TikTok as a platform responsible for promoting criminal activities
  • Blaming social media for contributing to a culture of violence and lawlessness