London's Garrick Club allows women to join

Veteran actors Judi Dench and Sian Phillips become first women members of London's Garrick Club after it voted in May to allow women to join. The club, founded in 1831, was one of the last male-only clubs.

Shannon Sharpe's experiences during his early football career

Shannon Sharpe shares two instances of unwanted drama with women during his early football career, leading him to stop sleeping at women's houses.

Women registering for the draft

NPR's A Martinez speaks with Melissa Bryant, retired U.S. Army captain and board chair of Minority Veterans of America, about the possibility of requiring women to register for the draft.

Women in the Ukrainian Armed Forces

Anastasia, a 25-year-old Ukrainian soldier, joined the 118th Mechanised Brigade to protect her son and parents. She lost her leg in a drone strike but remains resilient and is adapting to a prosthetic. The article highlights the increasing role of women in the Ukrainian armed forces amidst the ongoing conflict with Russia.

Rise of Celibacy Among Women

The article discusses the rise of celibacy among women, inspired by various reasons including trauma, dissatisfaction with traditional dating norms, and rejection of patriarchal values. Many women are finding peace, self-discovery, and empowerment through celibacy, embracing terms like 'celibate' or 'decentering men.' The movement is seen as a response to societal pressures around sex and relationships.

Senate Democrats push for women to register for the draft

Senate Democrats added language to the defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft, sparking backlash from Republicans and social conservatives. The provision may complicate the bill's passage before Election Day.

Women's Draft Registration in Defense Authorization Bill

Senate Democrats added language to the annual defense authorization bill to require women to register for the draft, sparking backlash from Republicans and social conservatives. The provision complicates the bill's chances of passing before Election Day.

Gender Disparity in Surgery

Despite comprising more than half of medical school graduates, the number of female surgeons remains low. A club at a Kansas medical school provides support and mentorship to address this issue.

Congressional Proposal to Reform America's Draft System to Include Women

Former Vice President Mike Pence's organization urges Republican leaders to prevent women from being required to sign up for potential military draft.

Violence Against Women in Australia

Australia grapples with a wave of violence against women, leading to the appointment of a parliamentary secretary for men's behavior change in Victoria.

Historic Presidential Race in Mexico

Two women are leading the polls for the presidency in Mexico for the first time in the country's history amidst political bloodshed.

Bill Maher criticizes pro-Hamas demonstrators for focusing on Israel and calls for attention to gender apartheid in the Middle East

Bill Maher criticized pro-Hamas demonstrators for focusing on the fictional apartheid in Israel instead of the actual apartheid against women in the Middle East, calling for attention to gender apartheid in the region.

Pope Francis' Alleged Remarks on Gossip and Homophobic Slur

Pope Francis allegedly made controversial remarks about gossip being a 'women's thing' in a closed-door meeting with young priests, shortly after apologizing for using a homophobic slur.

Sale of Hair Relaxers in Africa

Companies are still selling hair relaxers in Africa despite links to cancer, impacting women who use the products.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker's commencement speech at a private college in Kansas

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave a commencement speech at a private college in Kansas where he encouraged women to embrace their roles as homemakers and criticized Pride month. He also criticized President Joe Biden's stance on abortion and COVID-19 policies.

Challenges in Recruiting Women in Japan's Military

Japan is struggling to recruit women in its military due to a culture of harassment and ineffective training. Despite pledges to take action, the defense ministry has not centralized oversight of anti-harassment training. Experts criticize the current training as superficial and ineffective. Calls for increased recruitment of women come as Japan faces rising threats from China, North Korea, and Russia.

Donald Trump's bizarre compliment to Hannibal Lecter at a rally in New Jersey

Former US president Donald Trump bizarrely complimented fictional cannibal killer Hannibal Lecter at a rally in New Jersey, calling him a 'wonderful man'.

Self-Defense Tools and Techniques for Women

Self-defense expert Rener Gracie shares tips on how women can defend themselves in an attack. Various non-lethal self-defense tools are discussed, including stun guns, pepper spray, and personal alarms. Legal considerations and restrictions for these tools are highlighted.

Bumble dating app changing its feature

Bumble dating app allows men to initiate conversations after 10 years of only allowing women to make the first move. This change comes as the app's stock price plummets and employees are laid off.

Link Between Female Psychopaths and Head Movement

A new study suggests that a woman's head movement during a conversation could be a giveaway of psychopathy, with psychopaths tending to keep their heads very still. The study used head tracking algorithms to analyze recordings of women being interviewed by police. This is the first study linking female psychopaths and nonverbal communication. Psychopathic women displayed more stationary head positioning during interviews, similar to psychopathic men. The study used the 'Hare Psychopathy Checklist - Revised' to assess psychopathy levels.

Iran's Crackdown on Women Defying Dress Code

Iran has launched a major crackdown on women defying the country’s dress code, with police enforcing laws requiring women to wear headscarves in public. The campaign, named “Noor” (Light), is the most serious effort to enforce the mandatory hijab law, following women-led protests in 2022 and 2023. The crackdown has raised concerns about state violence and repression against women and girls.

The Garrick Club in London Opens Membership to Women

The Garrick, a prestigious establishment in London, has recently allowed women to become members after years of being a male-only club.

Increase in Employment of Women in U.S.

More working-age women are employed than ever before in U.S. history, with the rise in flexible work arrangements likely playing a role. However, a crisis in childcare is making it harder for women to stay at work, potentially causing setbacks in the pay gap between women and men.

Summer Fragrances for Women

An article discussing seven classic summer scents for women and their less expensive alternatives, focusing on fragrances with citrus notes perfect for warmer weather.

Women choosing to be stuck in a forest with a bear over a man

A TikTok trend has women choosing to be stuck in a forest with a bear over a man. The trend began on April 10 and sparked a debate on social media about the safety of encountering bears in the woods. Tips on how to stay safe in bear country are shared, including being aware of surroundings, making noise, and carrying bear spray.

Five Generations of Women in the Jones Family

The Jones family in the U.K. celebrates the birth of the fifth generation girl, Teya Jones. This marks the second time in 52 years that the family has five generations of women. They plan to have a big party to introduce Teya to her relatives.

Self-Defense Tips for Women by Rener Gracie

Self-defense expert Rener Gracie shares tips on how women can defend themselves in an attack. He emphasizes the importance of being vigilant, having hands free, observing surroundings, and setting boundaries. Learning self-defense skills like Brazilian jiu-jitsu can boost confidence and provide leverage-based techniques for protection.

United Nations Criticizes Taliban's Human Rights Record in Afghanistan

The United Nations criticized Afghanistan's Taliban for systematically depriving women and girls of their human rights. The Taliban leaders were not present at the U.N. meeting due to lack of recognition. Various countries raised concerns about the Taliban's treatment of women and girls since taking over in 2021.

Impact of Arizona's Abortion Ban on American and Mexican Women

Arizona's Supreme Court ruling on abortion bans creates a regional lack of access that affects neighboring Mexican state Sonora, where abortion is also restricted. American women are seeking abortion care in Mexico due to varying laws. Activists are helping women navigate restrictions and misinformation in accessing abortion medications.

Disappearance of Kansas Women

Two Kansas women have gone missing while driving to Oklahoma, leading to the arrest of four individuals on charges of first-degree murder, kidnapping, and conspiracy to commit murder. The search for the missing women is ongoing, with foul play suspected.

Disappearance of Kansas Women

Two Kansas women vanished while driving to Oklahoma, four people taken into custody in connection to their disappearance, women still missing, foul play suspected.

Abortion Policy and Women's Empowerment

Former President Trump's stance on abortion and the introduction of AFPI's H.O.P.E. agenda to empower women in challenging situations, including unexpected pregnancies, fertility issues, adoption, and more.

Impact of Declining Marriage Rates on Women's Mental Health

The article discusses the rising rates of depression and anxiety among young women in the US and attributes part of this trend to the decline in marriage rates. It highlights the benefits of marriage for women's mental and physical health, as well as financial well-being. The author encourages young women to prioritize relationships and consider the positive aspects of marriage and parenthood.

Blame Game: Assaults Against Women in New York City

Salon is blaming Donald Trump supporters for assaults against women in New York City, despite the city being heavily Democrat. The article criticizes the lack of law enforcement and mental health support in blue cities, contrasting it with the perceived safety in areas where Trump supporters live.

Spate of Attacks on Women in New York

Several women in New York reported being punched by strangers, leading to increased interest in self-defense classes. Comedian Sarah Suzuki Harvard was one of the victims.

Chicago Man Sues Women in Facebook Group over Defamation

A Chicago man is suing 27 women in a Facebook group for making disparaging remarks about him, claiming defamation of character. The lawsuit alleges that the comments harmed his reputation and standing in the community.

Random Attacks on Women in New York City

Random attacks on women in New York City by strangers have raised concerns among TikTok users. Multiple incidents have occurred, with victims being punched in the face or head in various locations across Manhattan.

Maternal Healthcare in Gaza

More than 5,000 women in Gaza are expected to give birth in the next month. One clinic is offering free ultrasounds, which is the first in the pregnancy for many women.

Corrosiveness of TikTok and Rise in Attacks on Women in New York City

Mayor Eric Adams attributes recent attacks on women in New York City to the corrosiveness of TikTok, highlighting a concerning trend of assaults and violent behavior influenced by social media. The city is facing a rise in crime rates and lawlessness, with assaults and car thefts on the rise despite an overall decrease in crime for the year. The situation is exacerbated by the left's soft-on-crime policies and the influx of illegal immigrants.

Challenges Faced by Women in Political Participation

The article discusses the challenges women face in participating in politics, particularly in the context of upcoming elections in 2024. It highlights barriers such as lack of official identity documents, gender-based violence, and online harassment. Despite these challenges, initiatives are being taken to combat these issues and promote women's political participation and leadership.

Challenges and Barriers to Women's Political Participation in 2024 Elections

2024 is projected to be the biggest election year in history with over half the world voting in national elections. Women face barriers to political participation, including lack of official identity documents. Women encounter denigration and violence during elections, leading to challenges in entering and staying in politics. Initiatives like the #NotTheCost campaign are fighting violence against women in politics. Men and women worldwide still hold gender biases, impacting women's political leadership. Women's full and equal participation in politics is crucial for the success and sustainability of democracies.

Violent Attacks Against Women in New York City

New York City Council member Amanda Farías criticized ordinary citizens for ignoring recent violent attacks against women in NYC, sparking controversy and backlash on social media.

Random Attacks on Women in New York City

A Brooklyn man was arrested for randomly punching multiple women in New York City, leading to viral warnings on TikTok. The man was charged with assault and hate crime harassment in separate incidents.

Assaults on Women in Downtown Manhattan

Several women have reported being punched by men while walking in downtown Manhattan, sparking safety concerns and prompting police investigation. The incidents have led to heightened anxiety and fear among women in the city.

Multiple Women Report Being Assaulted While Walking in New York City

Multiple women in New York City have reported being punched by men while walking in broad daylight, sparking concerns about public safety and rising crime rates. The incidents have been shared on social media, with some victims describing similar characteristics of the suspects. Police are investigating the assaults, but it's unclear if they are connected. One victim, Sarah Harvard, shared her experience of being attacked while walking to a comedy gig. The assaults have left many women feeling unsafe in the city.

Assaults on Young Women in New York City

Multiple young women in New York City have reported being punched in the face or head by strangers while walking, sparking safety concerns. The NYPD is investigating the incidents.

Women in Ukraine Tech Sector Amid War

The war in Ukraine has led to more women taking on leadership roles in the country's growing tech sector, gaining experience and connections abroad that could help rebuild the economy post-conflict. Despite facing prejudice, women entrepreneurs are driving growth in the tech industry and attracting international investors.

Benefits of Weight Training

Weight training a few days a week can help people live longer, with women benefiting the most. Strength training also improves mood and protects joints and bones.

Ohio women charged for using deceased man's body to withdraw money

Two Ohio women have been charged for using the deceased body of an elderly man to withdraw money from his bank account before dropping him off at the emergency room.

Comparison between Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Hefner

Leonardo DiCaprio and Hugh Hefner have more in common than one might think, including a passion for younger women and a lifestyle of luxury and glamour. Both men were surrounded by beautiful women, attended glamorous events, and had connections to powerful people. Despite their differences, they shared a reputation as ladykillers and were involved in promoting liberal causes.

Ohio Women Propped Up Dead Man to Withdraw Money

Two Ohio women face felony charges after propping up a dead man in their car to withdraw money from his account before dropping him off at the hospital. The women are charged with gross abuse of a corpse and theft.

Ohio Women Propped Up Corpse for Bank Withdrawal

Two Ohio women propped up a man’s corpse in their vehicle, withdrew money from his bank account, and dropped his body off at a hospital emergency room. They were charged with theft and abuse of a corpse.

Misogynistic Hate Speech Raids in Germany

German authorities conducted raids across the country against individuals suspected of posting misogynistic hate speech online, as part of the annual 'combating misogyny on the internet' day of action.

AI-generated Deep Fake Pornography and its Threat to Western Democracies

AI-generated deep fake pornography could be used by Russia to disrupt and weaken Western democracies, targeting high-profile women in politics and public life. The technology poses a significant threat as it can be used to damage credibility and reputation, ultimately disturbing the balance of power in society.

Biden-Harris Re-election Campaign Staffing and Strategy

The Biden-Harris re-election campaign has announced the hiring of three key staffers after a chunk of Democrats voted 'uncommitted' in the Michigan primary and ahead of Super Tuesday. President Biden's lead over Trump is shrinking in the 2024 matchup. The campaign is also launching a nationwide effort to win over women.

Study: Women Over 60 Need Fewer Daily Steps to Reduce Heart Failure Risk

A study found that women between 63 and 99 years old only need an average of 3,600 steps per day to reduce heart failure risk by 26%, much lower than the commonly recommended 10,000 steps per day. Light activities like housework and walking can also lower heart disease risk in older women.

Gender Differences in Exercise Benefits

A new study suggests that women need less exercise than men to gain the same health benefits. Women who exercise for at least 150 minutes a week have a lower risk of death and cardiovascular events compared to men. Physical activity is crucial for good health, and even a limited amount can have major benefits.