Current Events

Former President Donald Trump announced his stance on abortion, advocating for states' rights on the issue. The Vatican released a document labeling abortion, surrogacy, and gender theory as grave threats. Missouri Governor Mike Parson is proceeding with the execution of Brain Dorsey despite opposition. Efforts are being made to increase voter registration among Asian Americans and Latinos. A total solar eclipse made a significant impact on culture and media. A mother humpback whale and calf were sighted off the coast of Brazil.

Key Points

  • Former President Donald Trump's statement on abortion
  • The Vatican's document on abortion, surrogacy, and gender theory
  • Execution of Brain Dorsey in Missouri
  • Efforts to increase voter registration among Asian Americans and Latinos
  • Impact of a total solar eclipse on culture and media
  • Sighting of a mother humpback whale and calf in Brazil


  • Bringing attention to important social and political issues
  • Highlighting efforts to increase voter registration among minority groups


  • Controversial stance on abortion from former President Trump
  • Execution of Brain Dorsey despite opposition and concerns about his case