Climate Emergency and Faith-Based Environmental Stewardship

Vatican representatives discuss the climate emergency and emphasize the urgent need for action to address global warming. They highlight the impact on future generations and the importance of faith in environmental stewardship.

Vatican Fraud Case in London

Archbishop Edgar Peña Parra, a close aide to Pope Francis, will appear in a British court for a fraud case involving a £350m London property purchase by the Vatican. The London financier, Raffaele Mincione, was found guilty of embezzlement and sentenced to prison. The case involves wire-tapping authorised by the Pope and international legal disputes. Mincione is seeking a declaration that he acted properly and in good faith.

Pope Francis and LGBTQ+ Issues in the Vatican

Pope Francis decries 'faggotry' in the Vatican for the second time, stating that men with homosexual inclinations should be welcomed in the Church but not admitted into seminaries. He received backlash for using offensive language in both instances.

Pope Francis' Views on Homosexuality and the Catholic Church

Pope Francis corrects a question from '60 Minutes' about the Church blessing same-sex unions, clarifying that the Church blesses individual people. He allegedly used an anti-homosexual slur in a meeting, emphasizing the Church's stance against open homosexuals in the priesthood. The Vatican confirmed reports of the comments but stressed that all are welcome in the Church despite personal issues or sins.

Pope Francis Accused of Using Offensive Term for Gay Men

Pope Francis has been accused of using an offensive term to describe gay men in a closed-door meeting, despite his more liberal views on LGBTQ+ issues. The Vatican apologized for the previous incident, stating that the Pope did not intend to offend anyone.

Pope Francis berates young priests for gossiping

Pope Francis berates young priests for gossiping, suggests gossip is for women. Earlier comments about homosexuals caused controversy. Vatican apologized for offensive language used by the pope.

Pope Francis' Alleged Remarks on Gossip and Homophobic Slur

Pope Francis allegedly made controversial remarks about gossip being a 'women's thing' in a closed-door meeting with young priests, shortly after apologizing for using a homophobic slur.

Response to Pope Francis' Comments on Gay Priests

Pro-LGBTQ+ Jesuit Father James Martin defends gay priests in response to Pope Francis' comments on 'faggotry' in seminaries. Martin states he has known hundreds of holy, faithful, and celibate gay priests in his career.

Pope Francis and the L.G.B.T.Q. Catholic Community

Pope Francis made controversial remarks about the L.G.B.T.Q. community and gay priests, using a gay slur while reiterating the church’s ban on admitting gay men to seminaries. The Vatican issued an apology for any offense caused.

Pope Francis and LGBT Community

Pope Francis reportedly used a derogatory term towards the LGBT community during a closed-door meeting with Italian bishops, stating that gay people should not be allowed to become priests.

Pope Francis' Offensive Slur for Gay Men

Pope Francis used an offensive slur for gay men in a closed-door discussion with Italian bishops, leading to Vatican's apology. The reported comment was about not allowing gay men to train as priests.

Vatican and Bishop Joseph Shen Bin promoting 'Sinicization' of the Catholic Church in China

The Vatican hosted Bishop Joseph Shen Bin, who promoted the 'Sinicization' of the Catholic Church in China, emphasizing the need for religious institutions to embrace State Socialism and the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Shen was unilaterally named bishop of Shanghai by the CCP in breach of the Vatican's accord, leading to tensions between the Vatican and Beijing.

Legal Battle between Carmelite Nuns and Bishop Michael Olson

Legal battle between Carmelite nuns and Bishop Michael Olson seems to be over, but a new fight over authority is brewing involving orders from the Vatican. Nuns reject management by the Association of Christ the King. Vatican decrees support Olson's investigation of alleged chastity vow violation by Rev. Mother Teresa Agnes Gerlach.

Spanish Nuns Break from Catholic Church

Sixteen Spanish nuns break from the Catholic Church to follow a self-styled excommunicated bishop due to dissatisfaction with Pope Francis and Vatican decisions.

Clerical Sex Abuse in the Roman Catholic Church

Activists and abuse survivors criticize Pope Francis for not doing enough to address clerical sex abuse and its cover-up within the Roman Catholic Church, despite his efforts to impose order and fight against abusers and their protectors.

California Governor Gavin Newsom's Actions and Beliefs

Pope Francis congratulates California Governor Gavin Newsom for refusing to carry out the death penalty and leading in climate change efforts. Newsom's actions align with the Catholic Church's teachings, which the Pope supports. Newsom also defends abortion rights and criticizes the fossil fuel industry and Donald Trump at a Vatican climate summit.

Catholic Monk Comes Out as Transgender in Kentucky

A Catholic monk in Kentucky comes out as a transgender man, claiming to be the first in his position to do so. The Vatican recently published a document discussing its view on transgender individuals.

Catholic Church's Guidelines on Supernatural Phenomena

The Catholic Church published new guidelines for investigating alleged supernatural phenomena, emphasizing the need for extreme prudence and caution. The Church will no longer aim for authoritative affirmation of the supernatural origin of an event, but will approve or reject public devotion based on available evidence.

Vatican's New Guidelines on Evaluating Supernatural Phenomena

The Vatican issues new guidelines for evaluating supernatural phenomena, stressing caution and the need to avoid manipulation and scandal. Pope Francis expresses skepticism about recent supernatural events but remains devoted to older Marian apparitions. Divine signs confirmed by church authorities can lead to a flourishing of faith.

Vatican Guidelines on Evaluating Supernatural Events

The Vatican issues new guidelines for evaluating supernatural events, stressing caution and warning against fake or controversial phenomena. Pope Francis expresses skepticism about recent supernatural claims. Approved outcomes include allowing devotion but not affirming supernatural origin with moral certainty.

Vatican press conference on aliens and supernatural phenomena

The Vatican is set to hold a press conference on 'supernatural phenomena' tomorrow, focusing on aliens and how to deal with potential encounters. This event is significant as it has not been done since February 1978.

Pope Francis restricts celebration of Traditional Latin Mass

Pope Francis denounces arguing about liturgical details, restricts celebration of Traditional Latin Mass, emphasizes importance of holding onto liturgical traditions, bans use of traditional form in Catholic parishes, contrasts with Pope Benedict XVI's more inclusive approach, Vatican website and Code of Canon Law emphasize importance of Latin in liturgy, Pope Francis justifies reversal by claiming pastoral kindness was exploited to widen gaps and encourage disagreements.

Pope Francis and Climate Change

Pope Francis asserts that climate change is a crisis that is causing harm globally and particularly affects vulnerable populations. He criticizes the United States for its high emissions and calls for a change in lifestyle. The Vatican will host a 3-day climate summit in May.

Vatican Document on Discerning Supernatural Phenomena

The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena, with a live-streamed press conference scheduled for May 17 featuring Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Climate Change Summit in Vatican

Pope Francis has invited California Governor Gavin Newsom to speak at a climate change summit in the Vatican. Newsom will discuss California's environmental challenges and goals. The summit aims to address the impact of rising temperatures and climate resilience.

Vatican Prosecutor Files Charges Against Italian Catholic Journalist

Vatican prosecutor files charges against Italian Catholic journalist for defamation of Pope Francis and divulging confidential documents. The journalist claims the charges are an attempt at intimidation. The Vatican has a history of legal action against journalists deemed hostile.

Catholic Opinion in the U.S. on Abortion and Church Teachings

Pope Francis remains popular among U.S. Catholics with 75% favorable views. Many Catholics disagree with the church on various teachings, especially on abortion rights. Hispanic Catholics and Catholic Democrats are more in favor of legal abortion. U.S. Catholics want changes like allowing contraception, married priests, women priests, and recognizing same-sex marriage.

Religious Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Rights

The Vatican rejects the concept of changing one's biological sex, aligning with some other denominations like the Southern Baptist Convention. Mainline Protestant denominations and some Buddhist sects are more inclusive of transgender individuals. India, Nepal, and Bangladesh officially recognize third gender people as citizens deserving of equal rights. Reform Judaism is accepting of transgender individuals, while Orthodox Judaism is more restrictive.

Vatican's stance on gender reassignment and related issues

The Vatican condemns gender reassignment as a threat to human dignity in a document approved by Pope Francis, which also defends gay Catholics and opposes surrogacy, abortion, death penalty, and euthanasia.

Vatican's Declaration on Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Surrogacy

The Vatican has declared gender-affirming surgeries and surrogacy as grave violations of human dignity, putting them on par with abortion and euthanasia. The document rejects gender theory and emphasizes the importance of recognizing the 'infinite dignity' of all individuals while maintaining the traditional view of gender as biologically determined.

Current Events

Former President Donald Trump announced his stance on abortion, advocating for states' rights on the issue. The Vatican released a document labeling abortion, surrogacy, and gender theory as grave threats. Missouri Governor Mike Parson is proceeding with the execution of Brain Dorsey despite opposition. Efforts are being made to increase voter registration among Asian Americans and Latinos. A total solar eclipse made a significant impact on culture and media. A mother humpback whale and calf were sighted off the coast of Brazil.

Vatican Stance on Human Life and Gender

The Vatican reaffirmed its rejection of surrogacy, abortion, and gender fluidity, sparking backlash from progressive Catholic groups advocating for LGBT rights and reproductive choice.

Current Events

Ex-President Trump supports leaving abortion ban decisions to states, Vatican releases document on threats to human dignity, Missouri governor denies clemency for man on death row.

Vatican's Declaration on Gender-Affirming Surgery and Surrogacy

The Vatican declared gender-affirming surgery and surrogacy as violations of human dignity on par with abortion and euthanasia. LGBTQ+ advocates criticized the declaration as harmful and outdated, warning of real-world effects on trans people.

Pope Francis's Health Concerns and Easter Vigil Service

Pope Francis presided over the Vatican's Easter Vigil service after deciding to skip the Good Friday procession to 'conserve his health'. He has been battling respiratory problems and other health issues but remains committed to his duties.

Pope Francis's Recent Health Concerns

Pope Francis stayed home on Good Friday instead of presiding over the Stations of the Cross at Rome’s Colosseum due to health concerns, but plans to attend upcoming events. He has missed recent activities due to flu and respiratory issues.

Pope Francis Skipping Good Friday Procession

Pope Francis skipped the traditional Good Friday procession at Rome's Colosseum to protect his health. This is the second time he has missed the event due to health concerns.

Pope Francis skips Palm Sunday homily

Pope Francis broke tradition during Holy Week by skipping his annual Palm Sunday homily due to illness. He continued to run the service but did not read the prepared text. The Vatican did not provide an explanation for the decision.

Pope Francis's Health and Activities during Holy Week

Pope Francis skipped his homily during Palm Sunday Mass due to health concerns, including bad knees and respiratory problems. He will have a busy Holy Week schedule ahead.

Vatican's Decision on Blessing Same-Sex Couples

African Cardinal criticizes Vatican's decision to allow priests to bless same-sex couples, calling it cultural colonization and imposition of Western practices on Africa. He believes African Catholics still adhere to biblical prohibition of homosexual practice as an abomination.

Pope Francis Struggles to Climb Steps into Popemobile

Pope Francis was seen struggling to climb the steps into his popemobile at the Vatican, with a video showing him being helped back to his wheelchair. This incident comes after the pope was briefly hospitalized for flu symptoms.

Pope Francis Health

Pope Francis was taken to a hospital in Rome for diagnostic tests due to a mild flu, sparking concerns about his health. The Vatican did not provide details about the visit that lasted less than an hour.

Pope Francis Hospitalized for Flu Symptoms

Pope Francis was taken to a hospital in central Rome after suffering from the flu. The Vatican did not immediately comment on his condition.

Pope Francis Hospital Visit

Pope Francis was taken to a Rome hospital for diagnostic tests after his weekly audience but returned to the Vatican afterward. Italian media reports it was a scheduled visit.

Vatican's Position on the Israel-Hamas War

The Vatican's position on the Israel-Hamas war sparked controversy, with Cardinal Parolin's comments on Israel's military strikes leading to a diplomatic dispute. Pope Francis has called for peace and criticized the use of violence in the conflict. The Vatican's historical ties to Judaism and efforts towards peace in the region have influenced its stance on the war.

Pope Francis' Health

Pope Francis cancels audience due to mild flu; Vatican press office provides brief statement; pope's health history includes recent hospital visits and surgeries; speculation on future of papacy arises amid health concerns.

Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Artist Priest Marko Rupnik

Two former nuns accuse renowned artist priest of sexually and psychologically abusing them for spiritual growth, involving threesomes and porn. The priest, Marko Rupnik, was expelled from the Jesuit order and faces potential disciplinary proceedings.