Vatican's Declaration on Gender-Affirming Surgeries and Surrogacy

The Vatican has declared gender-affirming surgeries and surrogacy as grave violations of human dignity, putting them on par with abortion and euthanasia. The document rejects gender theory and emphasizes the importance of recognizing the 'infinite dignity' of all individuals while maintaining the traditional view of gender as biologically determined.

Key Points

  • Gender-affirming surgeries and surrogacy deemed as grave violations of human dignity
  • Rejects 'gender theory' and emphasizes God's creation of man and woman as biologically different
  • Acknowledges the need to respect all individuals but draws a line on certain practices


  • Upholds traditional Catholic doctrine on gender and human dignity
  • Emphasizes the importance of respecting the uniqueness of each individual


  • Criticism from LGBTQ+ advocates for being outdated and harmful
  • Potential real-world effects on trans people, including fueling discrimination and violence