Catholic Church's Guidelines on Supernatural Phenomena

The Catholic Church published new guidelines for investigating alleged supernatural phenomena, emphasizing the need for extreme prudence and caution. The Church will no longer aim for authoritative affirmation of the supernatural origin of an event, but will approve or reject public devotion based on available evidence.

Key Points

  • New guidelines emphasize the need for extreme caution when investigating alleged supernatural events
  • Church will no longer aim for authoritative affirmation of supernatural origin, but will base decisions on available evidence
  • Global impact of rapid communication and mass media necessitates careful evaluation of alleged supernatural occurrences


  • Emphasizes the importance of extreme prudence in investigating alleged supernatural occurrences
  • Guidelines aim to avoid misinformation and manipulation in the interpretation of supernatural events


  • Slow investigation process may lead to confusion and theological uncertainty
  • Increased global impact of alleged supernatural events requires careful consideration and evaluation