Religious Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Rights

The Vatican rejects the concept of changing one's biological sex, aligning with some other denominations like the Southern Baptist Convention. Mainline Protestant denominations and some Buddhist sects are more inclusive of transgender individuals. India, Nepal, and Bangladesh officially recognize third gender people as citizens deserving of equal rights. Reform Judaism is accepting of transgender individuals, while Orthodox Judaism is more restrictive.

Key Points

  • The Vatican rejects changing one's biological sex.
  • Mainline Protestant denominations and some Buddhist sects are inclusive of transgender individuals.
  • India, Nepal, and Bangladesh officially recognize third gender people as citizens deserving of equal rights.
  • Reform Judaism is accepting of transgender individuals.
  • Orthodox Judaism is restrictive towards transgender individuals.


  • Some mainline Protestant denominations and Buddhist sects are inclusive of transgender individuals.
  • India, Nepal, and Bangladesh officially recognize third gender people as citizens deserving of equal rights.
  • Reform Judaism is accepting of transgender individuals.


  • The Vatican and some other denominations reject the concept of changing one's biological sex.
  • Orthodox Judaism is restrictive towards transgender individuals.