Conflict in Jerusalem: History and Recent Developments

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Jerusalem goes back decades, with the city being central to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Despite ongoing tensions, people are able to practice their faiths in a shared space. Recent holidays overlapped, raising fears of violence, but the city remained largely peaceful. Images show people living, visiting, and worshiping in Jerusalem during a holy month.

Religious Views on Gender Identity and Transgender Rights

The Vatican rejects the concept of changing one's biological sex, aligning with some other denominations like the Southern Baptist Convention. Mainline Protestant denominations and some Buddhist sects are more inclusive of transgender individuals. India, Nepal, and Bangladesh officially recognize third gender people as citizens deserving of equal rights. Reform Judaism is accepting of transgender individuals, while Orthodox Judaism is more restrictive.

Religious Perspectives on Solar Eclipses

Discussion on the significance of solar eclipses in various religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. Different religious beliefs and practices surrounding solar eclipses are explored.