Conflict in Jerusalem: History and Recent Developments

The conflict between Israel and Palestinians in Jerusalem goes back decades, with the city being central to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. Despite ongoing tensions, people are able to practice their faiths in a shared space. Recent holidays overlapped, raising fears of violence, but the city remained largely peaceful. Images show people living, visiting, and worshiping in Jerusalem during a holy month.

Key Points

  • Jerusalem's historical significance to Judaism, Islam, and Christianity
  • Recent overlapping of Ramadan, Easter, and Purim raised tensions but passed peacefully
  • Images show people of different faiths living, visiting, and worshiping in Jerusalem


  • Jerusalem remains a place where people can practice different faiths
  • Recent holidays overlapping without major incidents shows potential for peaceful coexistence


  • Ongoing tensions between Israel and Palestinians over access to holy sites
  • Fear of violence flaring up due to overlapping holidays and recent warfare in Gaza