Vatican Document on Discerning Supernatural Phenomena

The Vatican is preparing to release a document giving guidance on how to discern supernatural phenomena, with a live-streamed press conference scheduled for May 17 featuring Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández.

Key Points

  • Supernatural phenomena like apparitions are still believed to occur in various capacities in the Christian faith.
  • The Catholic Church emphasizes extreme prudence in attributing phenomena to a supernatural force.
  • Previous guidance on apparitions was issued in 1978, and the upcoming document aims to provide updated norms.


  • Clear guidelines for discerning supernatural phenomena can help prevent misinterpretation and protect the faith of believers.
  • Document may provide insight into the Catholic Church's stance on modern-day apparitions and divine encounters.


  • The Vatican's scrutiny of alleged apparitions may lead to skepticism or criticism from those who believe in such phenomena.
  • Strict guidelines might restrict the recognition of legitimate supernatural experiences.