Suppression of Dissent in Iran

In Iran, dissent continues to be suppressed long after protests sparked by the death of a young woman in police custody, leading many Iranians to flee to Turkey. Three individuals share their stories of persecution and fleeing the country due to government crackdowns.

Key Points

  • Ongoing crackdown on dissent in Iran following protests
  • Individuals facing imprisonment or persecution have fled to Turkey
  • Stories of photojournalist Vahid Mirzaei, theater director Shadi Asadpoor, and online worker Masha highlight the challenges faced by Iranians
  • Comparison between justice systems in the U.S. and Iran, with reflections on the George Floyd case


  • Shedding light on the ongoing human rights abuses in Iran
  • Highlighting the challenges faced by Iranians seeking refuge in Turkey


  • Loss of freedom and livelihood for individuals targeted by the Iranian government
  • Continued suppression of dissent and freedom of expression in Iran