Tax Burden in the United States

A new study reveals the average American pays $524,625 in taxes in their lifetime, with New Jersey residents having the highest lifetime tax burden. The report ranks states based on lifetime tax costs, showing West Virginia as the lowest-tax state. Taxes are a significant factor in people's decisions to move between states.

Key Points

  • Average American pays $524,625 in taxes in their lifetime.
  • New Jersey residents have the highest lifetime tax burden.
  • States without income tax may have other high taxes like estate taxes.
  • High-tax states can offer perks like better public services and higher-paying jobs.


  • Taxes contribute to public services like education, roads, and healthcare.
  • High-tax states often offer better job opportunities and higher wages.


  • High taxes can lead to residents moving to lower-tax states.
  • Low-tax states may have higher costs in other areas like education and insurance.