Supporting Parents with Addiction and Keeping Kids in Familiar Living Situations

States are exploring innovative ways to support parents with addiction while ensuring children can stay in familiar environments, but these programs may not receive sufficient resources from the government.

Abortion Policies and Political Claims

Hillary Clinton claimed that if Donald Trump is reelected, all women would live in states where abortion is restricted or banned, but this claim is false. Trump's stance on abortion is about the will of the people and allowing states to decide. Despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and some states implementing bans, Trump's previous actions do not guarantee a nationwide ban on abortion.

Tax Burden in the United States

A new study reveals the average American pays $524,625 in taxes in their lifetime, with New Jersey residents having the highest lifetime tax burden. The report ranks states based on lifetime tax costs, showing West Virginia as the lowest-tax state. Taxes are a significant factor in people's decisions to move between states.

Former President Donald Trump's stance on abortion and pro-life organizations' reactions

Former President Donald Trump announced his position on abortion, stating that it should be left to individual states to decide. Some pro-life organizations support this stance, while others advocate for federal legislation to protect the unborn. Trump emphasized the importance of voting and restoring the culture. Various pro-life groups have differing opinions on his decision.

Fetal Rights Legislation in the U.S.

Efforts are underway in several states to assign fetuses rights similar to those of a human person, according to The Guardian's reproductive health reporter Carter Sherman.