Abortion Policies and Political Claims

SOURCE www.breitbart.com
Hillary Clinton claimed that if Donald Trump is reelected, all women would live in states where abortion is restricted or banned, but this claim is false. Trump's stance on abortion is about the will of the people and allowing states to decide. Despite the Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and some states implementing bans, Trump's previous actions do not guarantee a nationwide ban on abortion.

Key Points

  • Trump believes abortion laws should be determined by the will of the people
  • Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, returning abortion regulation to states
  • States like Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina have implemented abortion bans


  • Trump supports states determining their own abortion laws
  • States have implemented their own abortion bans or restrictions


  • Hillary Clinton's claim of all women living in states with abortion bans under Trump is false