Retail Sales in March 2024

Retail sales in March rose 0.7%, exceeding economists' forecasts, indicating a boost in the economy from consumer spending. Sales minus autos and gas increased by 1.0%, with strong growth in internet retail and grocery stores. The Federal Reserve may delay interest rate reductions due to the strong consumer activity.

Key Points

  • Retail sales are a significant indicator of consumer spending and the overall strength of the economy.
  • Strong retail sales could delay interest rate reductions by the Federal Reserve.


  • Retail sales rose by a robust 0.7% in March, exceeding expectations.
  • Sales minus autos and gas increased by 1.0%.
  • Strong growth in internet retail, grocery stores, and restaurants.
  • The increase in retail sales could boost the gross domestic product (GDP).


  • Sales fell in March at auto dealers, clothing outlets, and stores selling furniture, appliances, and consumer electronics.