US Retail Sales

US retail sales barely rose in May, pointing to greater financial strain among consumers. Retail purchases increased 0.1% after a downward revision in prior months. Services consumption growth is slowing, and consumer confidence is declining. The Federal Reserve may lower interest rates soon based on softer consumer and producer prices.

Federal Reserve Interest Rates and Economic Slump

Breitbart News economics editor John Carney believes that a few months of economic weakness are not enough for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates, despite signs of a slump in the economy.

Impact of Consumer Spending on U.S. Economy

Consumer spending rose only 0.2 percent in April, lower than expected, potentially impacting second-quarter GDP growth. Analysts attribute the slowdown to inflation, high interest rates, and exhausted household savings.

Perception of Economic Recession in the United States

More than half of Americans think the United States is in an economic recession, despite the GDP increasing for several years. A new poll shows 56% believe this and 58% blame President Joe Biden for it, even though the U.S. is not technically in a recession.

U.S. Debt and GDP Ratio

The U.S. debt is close to the highest it's ever been as a share of the Gross Domestic Product. Should we be concerned? The Indicator spoke to a debt dove and a debt hawk for their thoughts.

Bank of England's Interest Rates Decision

The Bank of England holds interest rates, but warns a June rate cut is not guaranteed due to elevated inflation indicators and geopolitical risks. Market anticipates rate cuts in the summer, with GDP growth expected in the near term.

China's Economy Growth in Q1 2024

China's economy grew faster than expected in the first quarter of 2024, driven by external demand. However, industrial output and retail sales fell short of expectations. Unemployment decreased, but the real estate sector showed weakness.

Retail Sales in March 2024

Retail sales in March rose 0.7%, exceeding economists' forecasts, indicating a boost in the economy from consumer spending. Sales minus autos and gas increased by 1.0%, with strong growth in internet retail and grocery stores. The Federal Reserve may delay interest rate reductions due to the strong consumer activity.

U.S. Government Debt Crisis Warning

The U.S. government's borrowing has reached unprecedented levels, with warnings of potential market shocks. Economists are concerned about the rising debt relative to GDP, the possibility of a fiscal crisis by 2030, and the need for difficult decisions to address the federal debt pile.

World Happiness Report 2022

Finland remains the world's happiest country for the seventh year in a row, according to the annual UN-sponsored World Happiness Report. Nordic countries like Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden also rank high. Afghanistan, facing a humanitarian crisis, remains at the bottom. The US and Germany are no longer in the top 20 happiest nations. Costa Rica and Kuwait have entered the top 20 for the first time. Happiness rankings are based on life satisfaction, GDP per capita, social support, healthy life expectancy, freedom, generosity, and corruption.

Japan's Economy Growth in Fourth Quarter

Japan's economy grew in the fourth quarter of last year, averting a recession. Real GDP increased at an annual pace of 0.4% instead of contracting. Expectations are mixed on what the latest data might mean for Bank of Japan policy decisions.

India's Economic Growth

India's economy grew at 8.4% in the third quarter, surpassing estimates and making it the fastest-growing economy in the world according to IMF executive director Krishnamurthy Subramanian. The government raised its GDP growth outlook for fiscal year 2023-24 to 7.6% from 7.3% previously, driven by higher capital expenditure and fiscal prudence.

Taylor Swift's Economic Impact with Eras Tour

Taylor Swift's Eras Tour had a positive impact on local economies she visited, boosting consumption and GDP, but the overall macroeconomic effect may be overstated. The tour led to increases in lodging prices and occupancy in cities she performed in, with Chicago experiencing significant growth. The tour is seen as a potential economic catalyst for small economies internationally.

Impact of Hamas War on Israel's Economy

Israel's economy suffered one of its worst-ever slumps due to the Hamas war, with GDP shrinking by 19.4% in the final quarter of last year. The conflict led to significant disruptions in the economy, affecting private activity and causing a sharp decline in various sectors. Despite the challenges, signs of stabilization have emerged, with the central bank cutting interest rates and consumer confidence gradually improving.