Chinese Communist Party's Role in Fentanyl Crisis in the U.S.

The Chinese Communist Party uses tax rebates to subsidize the manufacturing and export of fentanyl materials, contributing to the fentanyl crisis in the U.S. A House panel released a report highlighting China's role in the flow of fentanyl and made recommendations to address the issue.

Key Points

  • China subsidizes the manufacturing and export of fentanyl materials through tax rebates.
  • Recommendations include establishing a joint task force to counter opioids and bolstering sanctions authorities.
  • China and the U.S. have held talks on the fentanyl crisis to resume counternarcotics cooperation.


  • Report sheds light on China's complicity in fueling the fentanyl crisis in the U.S.
  • Recommendations provided to curb the flow of fentanyl components made in China into the U.S.


  • Lack of evidence of new criminal enforcement actions to stem the flow of fentanyl chemicals into the U.S.