Jon Tester's re-election strategy in Montana

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana, a Democrat, faces the challenge of appealing to voters in a state where Donald Trump is popular. He is strategizing to appear moderate to win re-election.

Key Points

  • Jon Tester faces the challenge of running for re-election in a state where Donald Trump is popular.
  • Tester's strategy involves positioning himself as a moderate to attract a diverse voter base.
  • The success of Tester's strategy will depend on his ability to balance appealing to different voter groups.


  • Tester is trying to appeal to a diverse voter base by positioning himself as a moderate.
  • Being perceived as moderate could help Tester attract moderate and independent voters in Montana.
  • Strategizing to appear moderate may increase Tester's chances of winning re-election in a state where Trump is popular.


  • Appearing too moderate might alienate some of Tester's Democratic base who may want a more progressive candidate.
  • It could be challenging for Tester to balance appealing to both moderate and progressive voters.