Montana U.S. Senate Race

Republican U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehy has a narrow lead over incumbent Democrat Jon Tester in Deep Red Montana, with recent polls showing varying results. The race is crucial in determining control of the U.S. Senate next year.

Inmates facing attempted murder charges in Montana jail

Two inmates at a Montana county jail are facing attempted murder charges after allegedly attacking corrections officers with makeshift weapons. They pleaded not guilty and could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted.

Discovery of Lokiceratops rangiformis dinosaur in northern Montana

A newly identified dinosaur called Lokiceratops rangiformis lived about 78 million years ago in what is now northern Montana. It was a plant-eating dinosaur with a unique set of horns on its head, including the largest frill horns ever observed on a dinosaur. The horns were likely used for display rather than defense. The discovery sheds light on the rapid evolution of new dinosaur species in a limited geographical region.

Montana Couple's Legal Battle over Teen Daughter's Gender Transition

A couple in Montana claims social workers took their teenage daughter without a warrant to undergo a gender transition. They are suing and demanding an apology for false statements from the state's Lt. Gov.

Illegal Immigration

Illegal immigrants flown from New York to Montana causing concern among Democrat and Republican lawmakers. Various politicians express frustration and blame Biden administration for migrant crisis.

Closure of Montana sawmill

One of the last remaining sawmills in Montana is closing due to expensive housing making it difficult to hire enough workers.

Elephant Escapes Circus in Butte, Montana

An elephant named Viola escaped from a circus in Butte, Montana, and roamed the streets before being captured by her handlers. The incident ended without any injuries to the elephant or humans involved.

Escaped Circus Elephant in Butte, Montana

An elephant escaped from a circus in Butte, Montana, was recaptured without harm. The incident caused minor damage to a storage area at the Butte Civic Center. The elephant, named Viola, was part of the Jordan World Circus and had escaped twice before. PETA filed a complaint over the incident.

Montana Left-wing Activists Launch Signature Drive for Abortion Amendment

Left-wing activists in Montana are collecting signatures for a constitutional amendment, CI-128, to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution, allowing for abortions throughout pregnancy based on a doctor's judgment to protect a woman's life or health.

Jon Tester's re-election strategy in Montana

Sen. Jon Tester of Montana, a Democrat, faces the challenge of appealing to voters in a state where Donald Trump is popular. He is strategizing to appear moderate to win re-election.

Fentanyl Crisis in Montana

Montana has seen a significant increase in fentanyl seizures by anti-drug forces, prompting the state's attorney general to call on President Biden to secure the border. Fentanyl-related deaths have also risen dramatically in the state.

Montana Laws Restricting Abortion Rights Struck Down

Three Montana laws restricting abortion rights, including a ban on abortions after 20 weeks, have been struck down in court as unconstitutional, citing severe burdens on abortion access without clear justification or credible evidence.

Traveling in Montana

Explore the beauty of Montana, known as the 'Treasure State', through its national parks, ski resorts, historic sites, and natural wonders.