Discovery of Lokiceratops rangiformis dinosaur in northern Montana

A newly identified dinosaur called Lokiceratops rangiformis lived about 78 million years ago in what is now northern Montana. It was a plant-eating dinosaur with a unique set of horns on its head, including the largest frill horns ever observed on a dinosaur. The horns were likely used for display rather than defense. The discovery sheds light on the rapid evolution of new dinosaur species in a limited geographical region.

Key Points

  • Lokiceratops lived about 78 million years ago in northern Montana
  • It was a plant-eating dinosaur with elaborate horn structures on its head
  • The discovery challenges previous beliefs about the number of ceratopsian species that could coexist in the same ecosystem


  • Provides insight into the diversity of horned dinosaur species in a specific ecosystem
  • Reveals the unique features of Lokiceratops, including its ornate set of horns


  • Limited information on the behavior of Lokiceratops due to the lack of complete fossil evidence