Decline in Electric Vehicle Sales in Europe

Electric vehicle sales in Europe dropped in March despite the EU's push to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by the mid-2030s. Overall figures show a stall in EV sales despite the ban on new internal combustion engine cars by 2035.

Key Points

  • Electric vehicle sales in Europe dropped by 11.3% in March
  • Germany, Europe's largest economy, saw a 28.9% plunge in EV demand
  • Overall EV sales have stalled despite EU's plans to ban internal combustion engine cars by 2035
  • Major automakers like Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, and Tesla reported falling EV sales
  • Tesla experienced its first annual drop in deliveries since the start of the pandemic in 2020


  • EU's push towards banning petrol and diesel vehicles can lead to a cleaner environment in the long run


  • Decline in EV sales may indicate challenges in consumer adoption and skepticism about the long-term viability of EVs