Increased Protection Levels for U.S. Military Bases in Europe

The U.S. military commander in Europe raised protection levels for military bases and forces after President Biden's debate performance against Trump. The decision was made out of caution and not related to a single threat. The Trump campaign linked the increased alert level to Biden's performance, claiming it made the U.S. weak. The threat level in Europe was raised to condition 'Charlie,' indicating a possible terrorist action targeting personnel or facilities. FBI Director Wray warned of a heightened risk of a terrorist attack in the U.S.

US Military Bases on Heightened Alert in Europe

US military bases in Europe were put on heightened alert due to concerns of a possible terrorist attack. The threat level was raised to 'Charlie' at multiple installations in Germany, with increased security measures in place.

Europe's Defensive Line Against Russian Invasion

Europe plans to build a 1,500 mile defensive line costing £2.2 billion to protect against a potential Russian invasion, with minefields, anti-tank ditches, and bunkers. The proposal aims to secure the EU from military and hybrid threats, misinformation, cyberattacks, and economic pressure.

Dengue Fever Outbreak in Europe

Europe is facing a surge in dengue fever cases due to an invasive mosquito species, with the World Health Organisation warning that about half of the global population is now at risk of the disease. Dengue fever, transmitted through mosquito bites, can be deadly in severe cases but often presents mild or no symptoms. Prevention focuses on vector control, and early detection can reduce fatality rates. Severe symptoms include high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and rash. Treatment involves managing symptoms with pain medication, and hospitalisation may be necessary for severe cases.

Trade War Escalation Between China and Europe

President Biden's move to double down on Trump's China tariffs has led to Europe announcing tariffs on China-made electric cars, potentially triggering an escalating trade war with retaliatory measures from China. The EU is investigating subsidies given to Chinese companies and trade barriers for medical devices. The impact on Chinese EV sales and European automakers remains uncertain.

Rise of Far-Right Support Among Young European Voters

Young voters in Europe, including 16 and 17-year-olds, are increasingly supporting far-right parties like the Alternative for Germany (AfD), despite concerns about their extremist views and actions. This shift is attributed to dissatisfaction with post-pandemic conditions and a focus on issues like migration and EU control. Experts warn against impulsive voting and emphasize the need for constructive engagement to address societal challenges.

European Parliament Election Results and Impact on Europe's Policies

The Chinese state media outlet Global Times predicts that the European Parliament election results will lead to more conservative and right-leaning policies in Europe, particularly in areas of immigration, green transition, and support for Ukraine. The election saw gains for conservative and right-wing parties in influential European economies like France and Germany.

Aid for Ukraine's Energy Infrastructure

The U.S. and Europe pledge nearly $2 billion in aid for Ukraine's energy infrastructure due to Russian strikes causing rolling blackouts.

French President Macron Calls for Snap Election

French President Macron calls for a snap election early this summer following major gains by far right politicians in elections across Europe. Keir Simmons reports on Macron’s situation with the world’s eyes on France ahead of the Olympic games.

Rising Popularity of Hard-Right Politicians Among Young Voters in Europe

Jordan Bardella, a rising star in France's hard-Right National Rally, has gained popularity among young voters through social media platforms like TikTok. He and other hard-Right politicians have successfully connected with young voters by addressing their concerns about security, immigration, and economic challenges.

Far Right Surge in Europe and Macron's Snap Election

French President Emmanuel Macron calls for a snap election to halt the surge of the far right in Europe, risking his own power and legacy in the process. The far right made significant gains in the recent European Parliament elections, leading to concerns about the future political landscape in France and beyond.

France commemorates 80 years since D-Day

France commemorates 80 years since D-Day with services honoring the heroes who helped liberate Europe.

Rising Islamist Violence in Europe and the West

The article discusses a series of Islamist attacks in Europe and the West, highlighting a growing trend of violence that many people have become resigned to. It explores the reluctance to address the perpetrators and the shift of blame to victims or far-right groups. The author questions whether the West can combat Islamist threats while upholding democratic values.

NATO Land Corridors in Europe for US Soldiers

NATO is creating land corridors in Europe for US soldiers in case of a Russian invasion, with soldiers landing at ports in the Netherlands, Greece, Italy, Turkey, and Norway and then traveling overland to NATO's eastern flank. Plans are also being developed to move troops through ports in Sweden, Finland, and the Balkans.

Ukrainian President Zelenskyy Praised for Saving Europe

Ukrainian president Zelenskyy is praised for his role in saving Europe by a veteran.

D-Day Anniversary and Current Geopolitical Concerns

On the 80th anniversary of D-Day, peace in Europe is shattered, leading to fears of another world war. D-Day veterans express concerns about freedom and democracy being under threat. President Biden is set to attend a ceremony with other world leaders. The legacy of D-Day is complex for both Americans and the French. Questions arise over Washington's commitment to Europe and the future of the Western alliance amidst tensions with Russia and Ukraine. The article also touches on the Israel-Hamas conflict and rising antisemitism.

Assassination Attempt on Slovak Prime Minister

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico moves to home care after assassination attempt, attacker detained and charged with attempted premeditated murder, incident highlights political polarization in Slovakia.

Conservative Shift in Europe

A survey indicates a growing conservative shift in Europe as voters reject the globalist agenda of Brussels, citing issues such as high taxes, open borders, and government censorship. Concerns over illegal immigration and the need for national self-sufficiency in areas like agriculture are also highlighted.

Political Violence in Europe

Finger-pointing in Slovakia after assassination attempt on prime minister highlights recent political violence in Europe.

Geert Wilders and the Rise of Right-Wing Parties in Europe

Geert Wilders of the Dutch Party for Freedom cobbled together a right-wing coalition government in the Netherlands, causing shock waves across Europe’s political system. The coalition focused on anti-immigration measures and reducing international students in the country. The move signifies a shift towards right-wing parties in Europe.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico is in critical condition after an assassination attempt, causing shockwaves across Europe. The incident highlights a polarized political climate in Slovakia and Europe.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian PM Robert Fico

NPR discusses the attempted assassination of Slovakian PM Robert Fico and the political landscape in Europe with Dalibor Rohác of the American Enterprise Institute.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico survived an assassination attempt, with a 71-year-old poet arrested as the suspect. Fico, known for his pro-Putin stance and controversial policies, was shot in the arm and stomach. The incident has raised concerns of wider war in Europe and potential political implications.

LGBTQ asylum seekers in Europe

Ella Anthony and Doris Ezuruike Chinonso fled Nigeria due to anti-LGBTQ persecution, seeking asylum in Italy. They faced challenges but are now living better lives. LGBTQ migrants face obstacles in seeking asylum in the EU due to privacy concerns and lack of awareness. Rainbow Railroad assists LGBTQ individuals seeking asylum from countries with anti-LGBTQ laws.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakia's populist Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot multiple times in an attempted assassination, shocking the country and Europe. Fico is in grave condition but expected to survive. The attack had a clear political motivation and comes amidst concerns about populist gains in upcoming European elections.

Assassination Attempt on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico

Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico was shot in an assassination attempt, with the suspect being detained. Fico is recovering in the hospital, with conflicting reports on his condition. The incident has sparked concerns across Europe and led to condemnation from various leaders.

Far-right parties in Europe gaining momentum in European Parliament elections

Far-right parties in Europe are gaining momentum in the European Parliament elections, with a shift towards transforming the EU from within instead of leaving it. The Rassemblement National in France, led by Marine Le Pen, is seeing increased support due to concerns about immigration and security.

Russian Sabotage Campaign in Europe

Russia is conducting a sabotage campaign across Europe to undermine Western support for Ukraine by damaging railways, military bases, and other key sites. This campaign is part of a broader strategy that includes propaganda, disinformation, increased espionage, and political influence in Europe.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's European Tour

Chinese President Xi Jinping concludes tour of three European nations to reinforce China's growing influence on the continent, signing agreements with Hungary on deepening economic and cultural cooperation.

Pope Francis criticizes weapons and contraceptive industries for their impact on life

Pope Francis criticizes the weapons and contraceptive industries for destroying or preventing life in a speech at a conference on the demographic crisis in Italy and Europe. He emphasizes the importance of increasing birth rates and implementing policies in favor of families.

Shifting Priorities in Europe: Immigration, Terrorism, and Climate Change

Concern about immigration and terrorism is rising in Europe while 'fighting climate change' as a priority is falling by the wayside among voters, according to a research led by the former Secretary General of NATO. The Alliance of Democracies Foundation's annual Democracy Perception Index reveals shifting global trends in public opinion.

Far-right parties in Europe and their challenges in the upcoming European elections

Far-right parties in Europe are gaining attention, especially on social media with Elon Musk, but are facing challenges in maintaining momentum for the upcoming European elections. Controversies and setbacks have affected their popularity and projections in polls.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping is visiting Europe to strengthen economic ties and lessen American influence, focusing on France, Serbia, and Hungary. The visit aims to test Europe's balancing act between China and the US, with Xi wanting to demonstrate China's growing influence and pursue a pragmatic rapprochement. The visit also coincides with the 25th anniversary of the deadly NATO bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, highlighting historical tensions. The trip reflects the delicate geopolitical dance between China, Europe, and the US.

Chinese President Xi Jinping's visit to Europe

Chinese President Xi Jinping visits Europe amid growing power, economic ties with EU, and concerns over ties with Russia and stance on Ukraine. Xi's visit will be closely watched for signs of European support for U.S. foreign policy goals.

European Nuclear Protection from Russia

French President Macron suggests sharing 300 French ballistic missiles across Europe to deter Russian nuclear threats. Concerns rise over potential Donald Trump win in the U.S. presidential election. Macron emphasizes the need for a credible European defense independent from the U.S.

European Nuclear Protection Against Russia

French President Macron suggests sharing 300 French ballistic missiles across Europe as a nuclear protection against Russia. Concerns arise over potential nuclear threats from Russia and the need for stronger European defense independent of the US.

Former President Trump urges Europe to provide more aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia

Former President Trump urges Europe to provide more aid to Ukraine in its war with Russia, criticizing the U.S. for contributing more despite the geographical distance. House Republicans are divided over a $95 billion foreign aid bill for Ukraine, Israel, and other allies. President Biden supports the aid package, emphasizing critical support for Israel, Ukraine, and humanitarian aid for Palestinians in Gaza.

Decline in Electric Vehicle Sales in Europe

Electric vehicle sales in Europe dropped in March despite the EU's push to ban petrol and diesel vehicles by the mid-2030s. Overall figures show a stall in EV sales despite the ban on new internal combustion engine cars by 2035.

Various News Topics

Various news topics covered by National Review including an investigation on sex pests, energy issues in Europe, railroads opposing crew size rule, and good news for Catholics in Ohio.

Far-right National Conservative conference shut down by Belgian police in Brussels

Belgian police shut down a gathering of far-right politicians and supporters in Brussels, citing concerns about public order. Attendees protested curbs on free speech and vowed to find another venue for Day 2 of the National Conservative conference. Mainstream parties fear disenchanted voters might turn to the far-right. The conference was organized by the conservative U.S. think tank the Edmund Burke Foundation under the banner of 'National Conservatism, Preserving the Nation-State in Europe.'

Polish Abortion Law Reform

Polish lawmakers voted to move forward with proposals to lift a near-total ban on abortion, a divisive issue in Poland, which has one of the most restrictive laws in Europe. The proposed bills aim to legalize abortion through the 12th week of pregnancy, aligning with European norms.

Decline in Sales of Volkswagen Electric Cars in Europe

Sales of Volkswagen electric cars in Europe have dropped by almost a quarter due to stalled demand for battery-powered vehicles as buyers return to petrol. This decline is attributed to factors such as high inflation, rising energy prices, rollback of subsidies, and reconsideration of ambitious targets to phase out petrol and diesel cars by politicians in the region.

European countries preparing for possible armed confrontation with Russia

European countries are on high alert as tensions rise with Russia. Poland, Germany, France, and other NATO allies are increasing military spending and production to prepare for possible armed confrontation. Some countries are struggling to meet NATO's defense spending expectations.

Far-right German MPs questioned over alleged pro-Russian links

The far-right Alternative für Deutschland party plans to question two of its MPs about alleged links to a pro-Russian disinformation network in Europe. The MPs deny involvement.

ISIS Threat and Potential War in Europe

Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie warns of ISIS threat to the U.S. and other foreign powers following deadly attacks in Moscow. European leaders also raise concerns about potential war.

ISIS-K's Growing Threat in Europe and Russia

ISIS-K, a branch of ISIS operating in Afghanistan, has claimed responsibility for a recent attack in Moscow, indicating their growing focus on Europe. The group has shown resilience and adaptability, with ambitions to target Western countries, including Russia, and expand its reach beyond South Asia.

Russia's bombardments on Ukraine and its impact on neighboring countries

Europe is on edge as Russia's bombardments on Ukraine reach close to Poland's borders, prompting the Polish prime minister to declare Europe is in a pre-war era. NATO scrambles fighter jets in Poland amid escalating tensions.

China-made Electric Vehicles in Europe

China-made electric vehicles are gaining popularity in Europe, with a projected market share of over 25% by 2024. Chinese brands like BYD are expanding globally, challenging Western brands like Tesla in the EV market. The European Commission is investigating subsidies given to Chinese EV makers, while T&E suggests raising tariffs to promote self-sufficiency in the EU's EV industry.

Vaughan Gething Becomes First Black Head of Government in Wales

Vaughan Gething becomes the first Black head of government in Wales and in all of Europe, taking office as Welsh first minister.

Farmers' Protests in India and Europe

Farmers in India and Europe are protesting for fair crop prices, debt relief, and against new environmental rules. Governments are being pressured to take action to support the agricultural sector.

Budget Travel in Europe

Tips for budget travel in Europe include visiting less touristy destinations, opting for off-season travel, using public transport, and finding exclusive hotel deals through ShareItTravel. Five affordable cities to visit are Porto, Bologna, Florence, Valencia, Athens, and Budapest.

Far-right activist convicted for hate speech in Belgium

Far-right activist Dries Van Langenhove convicted in Belgium for racist and hateful speech, leading to a year in prison. Extremist group members received suspended sentences. Right-wing extremism on the rise in Europe.

French Troops' Preparation for High-Intensity Conflict

French troops are preparing for high-intensity conflict against a powerful enemy amid the hostilities in Ukraine, shifting focus from counterinsurgency campaigns to Europe's eastern flank.

Outbreak of Parrot Fever in Europe

Five people in Europe have died from a bacterial infection known as parrot fever caused by Chlamydia psittaci originating from birds. The illness can spread through contact with infected birds and affects those who work closely with birds. Symptoms include flu-like symptoms and can lead to pneumonia if left untreated.

Surge in Sexually Transmitted Infections in Europe in 2022

Sexually transmitted infections surged across Europe in 2022, with reported cases of gonorrhoea, syphilis, and chlamydia all increasing significantly. ECDC director emphasized the need for immediate attention and action due to the health risks associated with untreated STIs. Rise in infections among young heterosexual people, especially women, attributed to changes in sexual behavior post-pandemic.

Rising STI Cases in Europe

Rising cases of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) in Europe, with gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia on the rise. ECDC director calls for immediate attention and action to address the issue.

Surge of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Europe and the U.S.

Sexually transmitted diseases surged in Europe in 2022, with cases of gonorrhoea, syphilis, and chlamydia on the rise, leading to health complications. The trend mirrors a similar increase in the U.S. and other regions.

Van Jones warns Nikki Haley voters about potential war in Europe

Van Jones made a strong pitch to Nikki Haley voters, warning that not opting for President Biden could lead to war in Europe and American soldiers paying with blood. He also emphasized the dangers of Trump's presidency and division in America.

Russian Efforts to Drive Migrants into Europe

Russia is accused of using private armies to drive migrants into Europe in an attempt to destabilize the continent and influence elections. The Kremlin has been accused of creating a refugee crisis by sending asylum seekers to Finland and using Belarus to funnel immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa to borders with Poland, Lithuania, and Latvia.

Russian Influence on European Migration

Russia is accused of using private armies to drive migrants into Europe in an attempt to influence elections and destabilize the continent. The Kremlin is allegedly using paramilitary forces to stoke violence in various African countries, forcing people to flee their homes and move towards Europe.

Congo's Liquified Natural Gas Export

The African nation of Congo launched production of liquified natural gas, becoming a new exporter. The first cargo will head to Italy for regassification. The project will have an annual capacity of 4.5 billion cubic meters of natural gas.

Germany's Consideration of Nuclear Weapons

Germany is considering the need for its own nuclear weapons due to fears of U.S. disengagement with Europe, despite their current avoidance of nuclear power. Discussions have begun with the U.K. and France regarding a nuclear fallback plan.

BYD's New Electric Supercar U9

Chinese automaker BYD unveiled a new electric supercar, the U9, which can reach speeds similar to high-end models like Ferrari. The U9 will start at $233,424 and deliveries begin this summer. BYD plans global expansion with a new factory in Europe.

Europe preparing for potential second term of Donald Trump

Europe is already taking steps to prepare for a potential second term for former President Donald Trump, fearing his impact on transatlantic relations, defense, and NATO. European leaders are working to enhance their own security and defense capabilities to Trump-proof themselves.

NATO Concerns Over Potential Russian Attack and US Support for Europe

NATO members are concerned about a potential Russian attack due to doubts about US support for Europe, leading to uncertainty and fear at the Munich Security Conference. US aid to Ukraine is stalled, causing alarm among allies. European nations are taking steps to increase their own defense capabilities.