LGBTQ asylum seekers in Europe

Ella Anthony and Doris Ezuruike Chinonso fled Nigeria due to anti-LGBTQ persecution, seeking asylum in Italy. They faced challenges but are now living better lives. LGBTQ migrants face obstacles in seeking asylum in the EU due to privacy concerns and lack of awareness. Rainbow Railroad assists LGBTQ individuals seeking asylum from countries with anti-LGBTQ laws.

Key Points

  • Growing number of LGBTQ migrants seeking asylum in Europe
  • Challenges in the asylum process due to privacy concerns and lack of awareness
  • Variability in support and protections for LGBTQ asylum seekers in different EU countries


  • Increased awareness of LGBTQ persecution in home countries
  • Successful asylum cases like Ella Anthony and Doris Ezuruike Chinonso
  • Support from organizations like Rainbow Railroad


  • Challenges in the asylum process for LGBTQ migrants
  • Lack of comprehensive data on LGBTQ asylum seekers in the EU
  • Uneven implementation of special protections for LGBTQ asylum seekers