Decline in Sales of Volkswagen Electric Cars in Europe

Sales of Volkswagen electric cars in Europe have dropped by almost a quarter due to stalled demand for battery-powered vehicles as buyers return to petrol. This decline is attributed to factors such as high inflation, rising energy prices, rollback of subsidies, and reconsideration of ambitious targets to phase out petrol and diesel cars by politicians in the region.

Key Points

  • Sales of Volkswagen electric cars in Europe fell by 24% in the first three months of the year.
  • Politicians in the region are rolling back subsidies and reconsidering targets to phase out petrol and diesel cars.
  • Volkswagen is impacted by the axing of subsidies for EV sales in Germany.
  • European carmakers are facing growing competition from China-made electric cars.
  • Multiple carmakers have delayed plans to launch new electric cars due to wavering demand.


  • Volkswagen has a diversified product portfolio that allows flexibility to compensate for fluctuations in demand in different segments.


  • Drop in EV sales is impacting Volkswagen's overall sales performance.
  • Competition from Chinese carmakers offering cheaper electric cars is putting pressure on European carmakers.