The Psychology of Memory and Forgetfulness

Forgetfulness is a natural part of the memory process and serves an important purpose. Memory is more like a 'brainWiki page' where details can be edited and updated over time. Drs. Sumeracki and Kaminske offer strategies to boost memory and improve learning, emphasizing the importance of regular and deliberate practice.

Key Points

  • Memory serves an important purpose and is not like a recording device
  • Strategies like retrieval practice and schema can enhance memory and learning
  • Regular and deliberate practice are essential for becoming an expert in a field


  • Forgetfulness is normal and necessary for brain function
  • Memory is like a 'brainWiki page' allowing for adaptation and storing general information
  • Simple techniques can boost memory and learning


  • Extreme forms of memory like photographic or savant abilities are rare despite media portrayal