Security Preparations for the Paris Olympics

The U.S. intelligence and diplomatic community is helping to secure the Olympics in Paris against possible terrorist threats. Various agencies including the NGA, OSAC, FEST, and National Counterterrorism Center are involved in security preparations. France is conducting military drills and increasing security measures in response to potential threats. The opening ceremony is planned to be grand but with backup plans in place if needed.

Key Points

  • NGA and OSAC providing geospatial data and security assessments
  • FEST coordinating safety for U.S. citizens and VIPs
  • France conducting military drills and increasing security personnel
  • Backup plans in place for the opening ceremony in case of emergencies


  • Collaboration between U.S. and French security agencies enhances safety measures
  • Use of advanced technology and intelligence gathering to prevent potential terrorist threats


  • Heightened security measures may disrupt the overall atmosphere of the Olympics