Border Security and Immigration Vetting Procedures

Former ICE Director John Sandweg expresses concern over DHS report identifying migrants brought to the US by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network, highlighting vulnerabilities in border security and the need for tighter vetting processes. Sandweg emphasizes the importance of real-time biometric checks against federal databases to identify potential threats, while acknowledging the lack of specific threat intelligence. Calls for improved vetting procedures to prevent individuals with ties to terrorist groups from entering the country.

Response to Reports of Migrants Affiliated with ISIS Smuggling Network

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas responded to reports of migrants brought to the U.S. by an ISIS-affiliated smuggling network, stating there is no evidence of them plotting harm. He emphasized the priority of safety and security, highlighting screening and vetting procedures in place. Mayorkas also addressed concerns about the release of illegal crossers, attributing it to insufficient detention capacity and calling for Congress to fix the broken immigration system.

ISIS-Affiliated Human Smuggling Network Bringing Migrants to the US

Department of Homeland Security identifies over 400 migrants brought to the US by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network, with some migrants' whereabouts unknown. ICE is looking to arrest those involved on immigration charges. No direct ties to threats to the US have been found.

Dagestan Terror Attacks

Islamic 'sleeper cells' carried out attacks in Dagestan, killing 21 people. Russian police killed 5 gunmen in response. Officials blame Ukraine, U.S., and NATO for the attacks.

Security concerns over ISIS-linked migrant men crossing the southern border

House Republicans are pressing DHS and FBI to release details on eight ISIS-linked migrant men who were arrested after crossing the southern border. They highlight security failures and the potential threat to national security posed by terrorists exploiting the border.

Advertisement targeting Sen. Bob Casey over 'open border policies'

An advertisement from Keystone Renewal Super PAC targets Sen. Bob Casey for his 'open border policies' in light of arrests of Tajikistani illegal aliens with ties to ISIS. The ad criticizes Casey's voting record on border security and immigration issues.

Arrest of Eight ISIS-Tied Migrants and National Security Concerns

Sen. Ted Cruz discusses the arrest of eight suspected illegal immigrants with ties to ISIS, criticizing the Biden administration for its approach to national security threats.

ISIS Threat and Arrests

Former GOP presidential candidate discusses the threat to the homeland after ICE agents arrested eight men with suspected ties to ISIS. A Kentucky man who joined ISIS discussed jihad, martyrdom, and shooting at planes. He was convicted of providing material support to ISIS and attending an ISIS training camp. He faces a maximum penalty of 50 years in prison.

ICE Arrests Migrants with Suspected ISIS Ties and DHS Screening Challenges

ICE arrested eight migrants with suspected ISIS ties, highlighting concerns over DHS's ineffective screening of non-citizens and asylum seekers entering the US. The report calls for improvements in data access, policies, technology, and security checks for asylum applicants.

ISIS terrorists crossing U.S.-Mexico border

Fox News reports on suspected ISIS terrorists crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, leading to discussions on border security and immigration policies.

Terrorism Concerns at the U.S. Southern Border

Retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen Dana Pittard expresses terrorism concerns resulting from the border crisis. Senator Steve Daines warns about potential terrorists crossing the southern border and the recent arrests of eight suspects with ties to ISIS. FBI Director Christopher Wray also expresses concerns about a coordinated attack in the U.S. similar to the ISIS-K attack at a Russian concert hall.

Arrest of Illegal Immigrants with Alleged ISIS Ties

Fox News reports on the arrest of eight illegal immigrants with alleged ISIS ties who passed through the southern border without being flagged. Sen. Lindsey Graham urges Senate leaders to organize a briefing on the threat of ISIS terrorism at the southern border.

National Security Threat from ISIS Suspects at Southern Border

Fears are growing that the migrant crisis at the southern border is compromising America's national security after the arrests of eight suspected terrorists with ties to ISIS. FBI Director warns of jihadist attack in the US similar to the one in Russia. ICE arrested Tajikistan nationals with ISIS ties in New York, Los Angeles, and Philadelphia.

Arrest of Eight Men from Tajikistan with Potential ISIS Ties in the U.S.

Eight men from Tajikistan with potential ties to ISIS were arrested in New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. They crossed the southern U.S. border and were detained by ICE for immigration violations pending potential terrorism charges.

ICE arrests Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS

ICE arrested Tajikistan nationals with ties to ISIS in three major U.S. cities. Suspected terrorists crossed the border illegally, were fully vetted, and then flagged with national security concerns. FBI and ICE are working to identify and disrupt potential threats to national security.

ISIS Threat to Paris Olympics

ISIS has threatened to carry out lone-wolf-style terror attacks during the upcoming Paris Olympics, with French authorities already foiling a plot for an 'Islamist-inspired' attack planned for the event. Security measures have been heightened to ensure the safety of athletes and spectators.

Threats of ISIS Attacks on Paris Olympics

ISIS has threatened attacks on the upcoming Paris Olympics through a chilling poster message. French authorities have already foiled multiple terror plots linked to Islamic extremists, and security measures for the Olympics have been heightened.

Attack on United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

A man wearing ISIS insignia opened fire on the United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, leading to a gun battle with security forces. The gunman was arrested and the embassy remained in contact with Lebanese authorities for investigation.

Turkish court sentences pro-Kurdish politicians for 2014 riots

Turkish court sentences pro-Kurdish politicians to prison for 2014 riots over perceived government inaction against ISIS, sparking criticism and protests.

Threats to LGBTQ+ Events During Pride Month

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued an urgent warning about potential threats from foreign terrorist organizations targeting LGBTQ+ events and venues during Pride Month. This warning comes as Pride Month is celebrated in June each year amidst heightened fears of anti-LGBTQ+ hate and extremist incidents. The agencies have identified indicators to look out for and provided instructions on reporting threats and staying safe during Pride events.

Potential Threats to LGBTQ+ Events During Pride Month

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a warning about potential threats from foreign terrorist organizations targeting LGBTQ+ events during Pride Month. The announcement highlighted the heightened threat environment and the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in June 2016.

Afghanistan Bombing and Poppy Eradication

The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for a bombing in Afghanistan that killed police officers involved in an anti-poppy crop campaign. The Taliban pledged to eliminate the country's drug cultivation industry, leading to protests and clashes with civilians.

Repatriation of American and International Citizens from Syrian Refugee Camps

A family of 10 American citizens and 11 citizens from Canada and European countries who were held in Syrian refugee camps have been repatriated to their home countries. The repatriation efforts aim to address the global security threat posed by minors living among current and former ISIS members in these camps. The U.S. State Department led the operation, emphasizing the need to reduce the population in the camps to prevent radicalization and future terrorist attacks.

Arrests in Turkey Linked to ISIS and May Day Bomb Plot

Over 100 people have been arrested in Turkey for having ties to ISIS and planning bomb attacks on May Day marches. The government is cracking down on leftist celebrations in Istanbul, leading to international outrage. Erdogan falsely takes credit for eliminating ISIS, while reports suggest the group is regaining strength in the Middle East.

ISIS Activity in Syria

ISIS jihadists killed four of dictator Bashar Assad’s soldiers in an attack in Raqqa, Syria, showing signs of regrouping after 2017. ISIS-Khorasan Province expanding in Afghanistan under Taliban rule. US reports ISIS regrouping in Syria and Iraq. SDF controls ISIS terrorists in prisons.

Security Preparations for the Paris Olympics

The U.S. intelligence and diplomatic community is helping to secure the Olympics in Paris against possible terrorist threats. Various agencies including the NGA, OSAC, FEST, and National Counterterrorism Center are involved in security preparations. France is conducting military drills and increasing security measures in response to potential threats. The opening ceremony is planned to be grand but with backup plans in place if needed.

Ameen Mokdad's Musical Journey in Mosul, Iraq

Ameen Mokdad, inspired by his father's failed painting of a composer, became a composer himself in Mosul, Iraq. Despite ISIS banning music, he continued to play in secret and composed an album. After losing his instruments to ISIS, he invented a new instrument named 'Adad,' symbolizing defiance. He now travels the world performing music and was accepted to Wesleyan University's music department.

Story of Amin Mekdad, the Musician from Mosul, Iraq

أمين مقداد، شاب عراقي، اخترع آلة موسيقية جديدة بعد تدمير آلاته من قبل تنظيم داعش. أطلق عليها اسم 'أدد' تيمنًا ببوابة تاريخية دمرها التنظيم. بعد تحرير الموصل، سافر مقداد وأنتج موسيقى جديدة وحصل على منحة دراسية لدراسة الموسيقى.

Arrest of ISIS Members in Germany for War Crimes

Two Iraqis accused of being members of the Islamic State group have been arrested in Germany for keeping two young Yazidi girls as slaves, sexually and physically abusing them, and committing war crimes.

Arrest of Alexander Scott Mercurio for Planning Church Attacks for ISIS

18-year-old Alexander Scott Mercurio was arrested for planning to attack churches in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, on behalf of ISIS. He was charged with providing material support to the terrorist group and faces up to 20 years in federal prison if convicted.

ISIS Terror Plot Foiled in Idaho

An 18-year-old in Idaho was arrested for planning a 'truly horrific' attack on churches in Coeur d'Alene on behalf of ISIS. The FBI thwarted the plot, and the suspect faces up to 20 years in prison if convicted.

Extremist Rebels Kill Civilians in Congo

Extremist-linked rebels have killed at least a dozen people in a raid on a rural community in the volatile east of Congo, with ties to the Islamic State group. The violence near the border with Uganda has led to mass displacement and human rights abuses.

ISIS Threat and Potential War in Europe

Retired Gen. Frank McKenzie warns of ISIS threat to the U.S. and other foreign powers following deadly attacks in Moscow. European leaders also raise concerns about potential war.

ISIS Calls for Attacks on Christians and Jews during Ramadan

ISIS is calling upon Muslims to attack Christians and Jews globally during Ramadan, specifically targeting Western and democratic nations. The terrorist group urges supporters to attack 'crusaders' everywhere and commends recent deadly attacks on Christians. The threat of ISIS attacks is high, with recent incidents in France and fears of attacks on Easter weekend.

ISIS Calls for Attacks on Christians and Jews During Ramadan

ISIS spokesperson calls for 'lone wolves' to target Christians and Jews worldwide during Ramadan, praises terror attack near Moscow, and urges escalation of attacks in various countries.

Terrorist Plot in France

A 62-year-old Egyptian man with alleged ISIS ties was arrested in France for planning a terrorist attack on the Notre Dame Cathedral. The terror threat level in France has been raised to its highest after an ISIS-claimed attack in Moscow.

Kremlin blames Ukraine and the West for Moscow attack

The Kremlin is blaming Ukraine and the West for the Moscow attack, despite lack of evidence. Russian officials have made accusations against Ukraine and the U.S. and U.K. without concrete proof.

ISIS Attack in Moscow and the Response

France heightens security after ISIS attack in Moscow, leaving 137 dead and over 180 wounded. The ISIS-K affiliate claimed responsibility, exploiting American withdrawal from Afghanistan. Russia intervened in Syria, leading ISIS-K to target Moscow. Afghan National Resistance Front (NRF) fights against Taliban and ISIS-K, seeking international support.

Conspiracy Theory Surrounding Moscow Concert Hall Attack

The head of Russia’s Federal Security Service claimed that America, Britain, and Ukraine conspired to attack a concert hall in Moscow, resulting in nearly 140 deaths. ISIS claimed responsibility, while Russia blamed Ukraine. There is ongoing debate over who was truly responsible for the attack.

Concert Hall Attack

President Putin blames 'radical Islamists' for concert hall attack, ISIS claims responsibility

ISIS Threatens Massacre of Russians Including Putin in Retaliation for Alleged Torture

ISIS threatens a massacre of 'wild' Russians, including Putin, in retaliation for alleged torture of terror suspects. The Crocus City Hall massacre left 137 dead and 182 injured. Four suspects have been detained and are facing trial. Russia is accused of using torture tactics, and Putin has declared a national day of mourning.

Moscow Massacre Speculation

Speculation surrounds the Moscow massacre, with experts questioning the true masterminds behind the attack despite ISIS claiming responsibility. Clues point to potential Russian involvement, sparking discussions of false flag operations and historical events that mirror past instances.

Moscow Terrorist Attack

Russian President Vladimir Putin acknowledges that the deadly terrorist attack at a rock concert was carried out by radical Islamists, despite previous resistance to this classification. He accuses the United States of trying to cover up the true motivating force behind the attack, claiming it was the work of Islamist terrorists in conjunction with Ukrainians.

Israeli Prime Minister cancels delegation to Washington after U.S. fails to veto U.N. resolution on Gaza cease-fire

Israeli Prime Minister cancels delegation to Washington after U.S. fails to veto U.N. resolution on Gaza cease-fire, growing tensions over potential invasion of Rafah and concerns over ISIS following Moscow attack.

Threat of Massacre by ISIS and Alleged Torture of Terror Suspects in Russia

ISIS has threatened a massacre of 'wild' Russians, including Vladimir Putin, for alleged torture of terror suspects linked to the Crocus City Hall massacre in Moscow. The terror suspects endured brutal interrogation techniques, including beatings, electric shocks, and forced consumption of an ear. Russia faces allegations of human rights abuses and torture in its prisons. The attack was claimed by ISIS-K, a regional branch of ISIS, which has a history of opposition to Russia and has been critical of Putin. Russia vows to kill the terrorist suspects involved in the massacre, despite having a moratorium on the death penalty.

Speculation on Russia's Involvement in Moscow Massacre

Speculation arises that Russia may have enabled the Moscow massacre to blame Ukraine despite ISIS claiming responsibility. Experts question inconsistencies in the attack, pointing to potential inside job or false flag operation by Russian forces. Historical parallels to past false flag operations are mentioned.

France raises terror alert after Moscow concert hall attack

France raises terror alert to highest level after Moscow concert hall attack. Suspects charged with terrorism. Islamic State claims responsibility. U.S. supports conclusion of ISIS involvement. Paris scales back Olympics ceremony due to security concerns.

France Raises Terror Threat Level After ISIS Attack in Moscow

The government of France raised its terror threat warning to the highest level following a suspected ISIS attack in Moscow that left at least 137 dead. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, leading to heightened security measures in France.

Moscow Terror Attack

Moscow holds national day of mourning for victims of terror attack at concert hall, deadliest in 20 years with death toll at least 137. President Putin blames Ukraine while ISIS claims responsibility.

Terrorist Attack in Moscow Concert Hall

Russian President Putin accused Ukraine of involvement in a terrorist attack, but Ukraine strongly denied any connection. The Islamic State group claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed more than 130 people in a Moscow concert hall.

Impact of Terror Attack in Moscow on Russian President Putin and Ukraine War

A terror attack at Moscow's Crocus City Hall has raised questions about the impact on Russian President Vladimir Putin and his war in Ukraine. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack, which killed at least 137 people. Putin's delayed response and attempt to link the attack to Ukraine have been criticized by experts and Washington. The attack may be used as a pretext for further mobilization in the war.

Moscow Concert Hall Attack

Vice President Kamala Harris rejects Putin's attempt to blame Ukraine for Moscow concert hall attack, states ISIS responsible. Russian media shows suspects captured and interrogated, ISIS affiliate claims responsibility, US embassy warned of imminent attack. Kyiv denies involvement, accuses Putin of linking Ukraine to incident falsely.

Moscow Terror Attack and Political Fallout

Ukrainian President Zelensky criticizes Putin for blaming Kyiv for Moscow terror attack claimed by ISIS. Russia hit with worst terror attack in 20 years, Putin blames Ukraine despite ISIS claiming responsibility. UK and US warn against Putin using attack to escalate war in Ukraine. Putin accused of using propaganda and lies. Ukraine retaliates by targeting Russian warships. Horrific details emerge of the massacre at Crocus City Hall.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall resulted in over 130 deaths, with ISIS claiming responsibility. Russian authorities arrested suspects, some of whom were identified as citizens of Tajikistan. The attack led to tensions between Russia and Ukraine, with the US confirming ISIS involvement.

Resurgence of ISIS-Khorasan Province

ISIS has claimed responsibility for a deadly attack on a concert outside of Moscow, signaling a resurgence of global mayhem. The group's Khorasan province has been active in Afghanistan and beyond, targeting various countries and leaders. The US and Western nations are concerned about the group's capability to launch attacks with little warning.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack and Russian Military Response

A deadly terrorist attack at a Moscow concert hall led to Russian missile strikes on Ukraine, with one missile entering Polish airspace. Russian forces launched 57 missiles, and Poland demands explanations for airspace violation. Russian President Putin claimed attackers fled to Ukraine. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, claimed by ISIS, left over 130 dead. Russian officials blamed Ukraine, while the U.S. issued warnings prior to the attack. Putin labeled the attack as terrorism and declared a day of mourning. The attackers were detained, and it is believed that ISIS-K was responsible.

ISIS Claiming Responsibility for Moscow Concert Massacre

ISIS claims responsibility for a massacre at a concert outside Moscow, indicating a resurgence of global mayhem. The group's Khorasan province has been particularly active, with plans to expand its campaign beyond Afghanistan. The group targets a wide array of foes, including U.S. Presidents, Chinese President, leaders of Hamas and Taliban. ISIS-K's growing presence in Afghanistan poses a significant threat, with the group demonstrating both intent and capability to launch attacks internationally.

Moscow-area concert hall terror attack

A terror attack at a concert hall in Moscow left at least 133 people dead. The Islamic State claimed responsibility, but there are suggestions of a Ukrainian link. President Putin has declared a day of mourning and vowed additional security measures.

Mass Shooting at Moscow Concert Hall

Gunmen killed several dozen people at a concert hall on the outskirts of Moscow, with ISIS claiming responsibility.

Moscow Concert Hall Terrorist Attack

A terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow left at least 133 people dead, with 11 suspects apprehended. The attack was claimed by ISIS, but there are suggestions of a Ukrainian link. Russian President Putin declared a day of mourning and increased security measures in the country.

Deadly Terrorist Attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow

A deadly terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow resulted in 115 people killed. Suspects were planning to cross the Russian-Ukrainian border. ISIS claimed responsibility, but Ukraine denied involvement. Over 115 were hospitalized, and 11 suspects have been detained. Previous deadly terror attacks in Russia were mentioned.

Terrorist Attack at Moscow Concert Hall

ISIS claims responsibility for a terrorist attack at a concert hall in Moscow, Russia, leaving over 60 people dead and nearly 150 injured. The attack involved gunmen in combat gear opening fire and throwing explosives, setting the building on fire. Russian officials are investigating the incident.

Gunmen Attack Concert Hall Near Moscow

Gunmen attack a concert venue near Moscow, resulting in at least 40 deaths and over 100 injuries. ISIS claims responsibility. Russian authorities are investigating the incident.

Terrorist Threat in Moscow and U.S.-Russia Relations

U.S. citizens in Moscow have been warned to avoid large gatherings due to fears of a terrorist attack. Russia's FSB security service foiled a planned attack by an Afghan ISIS offshoot on a synagogue in the Kaluga region. The U.S. Embassy criticized Russia for designating American educational organizations as 'undesirable.'

Heightened Security Alert in Moscow for U.S. Citizens

U.S. citizens in Moscow have been warned to avoid large gatherings due to heightened fears of a terrorist attack. Russian FSB foiled a planned attack by an Afghan offshoot of ISIS on a synagogue in Moscow. The U.S. Embassy criticized Russia for designating American educational organizations as 'undesirable.'