ICE Arrests Migrants with Suspected ISIS Ties and DHS Screening Challenges

ICE arrested eight migrants with suspected ISIS ties, highlighting concerns over DHS's ineffective screening of non-citizens and asylum seekers entering the US. The report calls for improvements in data access, policies, technology, and security checks for asylum applicants.

Key Points

  • DHS Inspector General report highlights the shortcomings in screening and vetting processes by CBP and USCIS
  • Eight migrants with suspected ISIS ties were arrested in major US cities
  • FBI Director warns of potential coordinated attacks in the US


  • Highlighting the importance of effective screening and vetting processes for non-citizens and asylum seekers entering the US
  • Prompting DHS to agree with recommendations for fixing the identified challenges


  • Risk of admitting dangerous individuals into the country or allowing potential threats to reside in the US due to screening deficiencies