Biden's DHS Flying Deported Illegal Aliens Back into the US

President Biden's DHS is reportedly flying illegal aliens, previously deported by Trump's administration, back into the US under a little-known program. This is in response to mistreatment allegations by Human Rights Watch against Cameroonians. Secretary Mayorkas emphasizes 'justice and equity' for migrants.

Illegal Alien Accused of Murder in New York

An illegal alien released by DHS is accused of murdering a young woman on her 21st birthday in New York.

Border Security and Immigration Vetting Procedures

Former ICE Director John Sandweg expresses concern over DHS report identifying migrants brought to the US by an ISIS-affiliated human smuggling network, highlighting vulnerabilities in border security and the need for tighter vetting processes. Sandweg emphasizes the importance of real-time biometric checks against federal databases to identify potential threats, while acknowledging the lack of specific threat intelligence. Calls for improved vetting procedures to prevent individuals with ties to terrorist groups from entering the country.

Controversy over DHS policies on detention and release of illegal aliens accused of murder

Two illegal aliens accused of murdering a 12-year-old girl were released into the US despite available detention space, sparking controversy over DHS policies. Legislation has been introduced to address mass releases of migrants and improve monitoring. The Biden administration's handling of immigration enforcement is under scrutiny.

Murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray by Illegal Aliens

Two illegal aliens released into the US by Biden's DHS are accused of murdering 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray in Houston, Texas. The suspects were apprehended at the border near El Paso, released into the US interior, and later arrested for the crime.

Security concerns over ISIS-linked migrant men crossing the southern border

House Republicans are pressing DHS and FBI to release details on eight ISIS-linked migrant men who were arrested after crossing the southern border. They highlight security failures and the potential threat to national security posed by terrorists exploiting the border.

ICE Arrests Migrants with Suspected ISIS Ties and DHS Screening Challenges

ICE arrested eight migrants with suspected ISIS ties, highlighting concerns over DHS's ineffective screening of non-citizens and asylum seekers entering the US. The report calls for improvements in data access, policies, technology, and security checks for asylum applicants.

Accusations of Mass Amnesty by President Biden

Senators Thune and Vance accuse President Biden of carrying out a de facto policy of mass amnesty by closing hundreds of thousands of deportation cases, leading to an increase in migrants allowed to stay in the U.S. without securing asylum. They demand details on the migrants and criticize the administration for fueling illegal immigration.

Illegal Alien Charged with Murder in West Virginia

An illegal alien from El Salvador charged with murdering a woman in West Virginia spent over two decades in an El Salvador prison before being released into the United States during President Joe Biden's administration. He sought asylum in Canada but was denied and released into DHS custody. The woman's body was found after a fire in Berkeley County, and the illegal alien had previously attacked two homeless people with baseball bats. He remains in custody and is fighting extradition.

Child Trafficking and DNA Testing at the U.S.-Mexico Border

Senate Democrats blocked the End Child Trafficking Now Act, which would require DNA testing of adult migrants and children at the U.S.-Mexico border to deter child trafficking. Former DHS officials warned that ending DNA testing could lead to a spike in child trafficking.

Immigration Policy and Border Control

Senator J.D. Vance opposes immigration bill backed by President Joe Biden, arguing that the executive has broad discretion to enforce border laws and does not need legislation to address the crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border.

Potential Threats to LGBTQ+ Events During Pride Month

The FBI and Department of Homeland Security issued a warning about potential threats from foreign terrorist organizations targeting LGBTQ+ events during Pride Month. The announcement highlighted the heightened threat environment and the anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in June 2016.

Release of Illegal Alien Convicted Killer by Biden's DHS

President Biden's DHS released an illegal alien convicted killer from Colombia into the US, who was arrested in 2014 for aggravated homicide, aggravated theft, and possession of a weapon. The alien was apprehended by Border Patrol in 2023 and released into the US interior before being arrested by ICE in Massachusetts. The DHS is releasing tens of thousands of migrants into American communities regularly.

Controversy Surrounding DHS Intelligence 'Experts' Group

The Biden administration has agreed to wind down a controversial intelligence 'experts' group after facing a lawsuit from a conservative legal nonprofit. The group was criticized for being partisan, with only 1% of political contributions going to Republicans and 98% going to Democrats. DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced the group in September, but it faced backlash for alleged lack of neutrality and balance. America First Legal sued DHS, leading to the agreement to wind down the group.

President Biden's Parole Pipeline for Foreign Nationals

President Biden's parole pipeline has allowed over 400,000 nationals of Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela to fly to the U.S. at their own expense. Despite this, foreign nationals are still inadmissible under federal law. DHS has received over 1.6 million applications for travel authorization under the CHNV program.

Department of Homeland Security's handling of detention space and enforcement of immigration laws

President Biden's DHS has significantly low detention space despite an increasing number of illegal aliens in deportation proceedings, leading to criminal illegal aliens being released into American communities. The administration's refusal to enforce laws and use available resources has resulted in serious consequences.

DHS Secretary Mayorkas Unfamiliar with 12-Year-Old Travis Wolfe's Case

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is unfamiliar with the case of 12-year-old Travis Wolfe, who died in a crash allegedly caused by an illegal alien. Senator Hawley criticized Mayorkas for not knowing about Wolfe's case and highlighted the tragic incident during a Senate budget hearing.

DHS Approval of Work Permit for Accused Murderer

President Biden's DHS approved a work permit for a Venezuelan man accused of murdering a woman despite knowing his criminal history. Senator Hawley revealed the details during a Senate budget hearing, questioning DHS Secretary Mayorkas on the decision.

Accusations against DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas

Senior GOP impeachment manager Rep. Mark Green accuses DHS chief Alejandro Mayorkas of causing the deaths of thousands of migrants at the southern border and enriching Mexico's cartels with billions of dollars. Democrats shut down Mayorkas' impeachment trial to minimize media coverage. Mayorkas' policies have led to a surge in migrant deaths and increased cartel profits.

Alleged Flyer Asking Migrants to Vote for President Biden

DHS Secretary Mayorkas was questioned about an alleged flyer asking migrants to vote for President Biden. DHS stated that non-citizens cannot vote in federal elections and their focus is on enforcing borders.

Increase in Chinese Nationals Crossing U.S. Borders

Under President Joe Biden, the number of Chinese nationals crossing the U.S. borders has increased by more than 37,000 percent in just three years, as per new Department of Homeland Security data.

House Judiciary Committee's Request for DHS Documents on Criminal Illegal Immigrants

House Judiciary Committee pushes DHS for documents related to illegal immigrants accused of serious crimes in the U.S. due to non-compliance by Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The requests include information on criminal illegal aliens, such as Diego Ibarra, Daniel Hernandez Martinez, and Pierre Lucard Emile.

Afghan Migrant on Terrorist Watchlist Released into U.S.

Afghan migrant released into the U.S. by DHS was found to be listed on the federal government's terrorist watchlist after crossing the border. He was later arrested by ICE agents in Texas but released on bond with minimal restrictions.

Biden's DHS Releases Afghan Migrant on Terrorist Watchlist

Afghan migrant on terrorist watchlist was twice released into the US by Biden's DHS, later arrested by ICE for ties to terrorism.

Border Patrol releasing a man on the terror watchlist

Former ICE Chief of Staff under the Biden administration reacted to a report of Border Patrol releasing a man on the terror watchlist, stating it is rare but unacceptable. The incident is one of at least three involving suspected terrorists being released by Customs and Border Protection in the past two years.

Impeachment Trial Urged for DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

More than 40 Senate Republicans are urging Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to permit an impeachment trial against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas due to his oversight of record-breaking illegal immigration and the creation of a catch-and-release network.

DHS Secretary Testifying Before Congress on 2025 Budget Request

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas will testify before Congress on the Department of Homeland Security’s requested budget for 2025 on Wednesday.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's Response to Impeachment Articles Against DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer dismisses articles of impeachment against Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas as absurd and aims to resolve the matter quickly. Reports suggest Schumer may move to dismiss the impeachment trial. Senators warn that Schumer's actions are politically motivated to avoid exposing Mayorkas' record on immigration issues.

Legal Battle Between Texas and Biden Administration on Immigration Enforcement

Legal battle between Texas and the Biden administration over state's law allowing police to arrest migrants. Immigration judges have thrown out 200,000 deportation cases due to DHS not filing required 'Notice to Appear'. DHS failure to file NTA led to court dismissals and immigrants left in legal limbo.

DHS Secretary accused of stonewalling on details of illegal alien accused of murder

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is accused of stonewalling details on illegal alien Jose Antonio Ibarra accused of murdering Laken Riley. Rep. Mark Green criticizes DHS for not providing requested information on Ibarra, despite acknowledging the request as a 'high priority.' Ibarra arrived at the U.S.-Mexico border in 2022, was released into the U.S., and later arrested for Riley's murder.

Alleged Money Laundering Operation by U.S. Federal Agents in Mexico

Two U.S. federal agents allegedly ran a sophisticated money laundering operation in Mexico City's airport between 2010 and 2019, laundering millions for Colombian and Mexican drug cartels while working for the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. The agents, Thomas LaPak and Kenny Popovits, have not faced prosecution and are reportedly still employed by the U.S. government.

Colombian National Convicted of Sexual Assault in Massachusetts

A Colombian national released by DHS was convicted of sexual assault in Massachusetts. He was apprehended by Border Patrol in Arizona, given probation for one year, and arrested by ICE for deportation. ICE is prioritizing public safety by removing such threats from communities.

House Republicans demand answers on alleged concealment of illegal alien crossings by DHS

House Republicans demand answers from DHS regarding alleged concealment of true number of illegal alien crossings during Congressional visit to border crisis, threatening to use subpoena powers if information is not provided within two weeks.

President Biden's Mispronunciation and Response to Laken Riley's Murder

Angel Mom Allyson Phillips criticizes President Biden for mispronouncing her daughter Laken Riley's name during the State of the Union address. Biden downplayed Riley's murder allegedly by an illegal alien released by DHS. Democrats defended the suspect and objected to the term 'illegal.' Riley was found murdered on a university campus, and the suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, arrived in the U.S. in 2022 and was released by Biden's DHS despite prior arrests.

Accusation against DHS Secretary regarding murder of Laken Riley

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene accused DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas of refusing to accept a pin honoring Laken Riley, a nursing student allegedly murdered by an illegal alien. The accused murderer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, was released into the U.S. via Biden's parole pipeline and was not turned over to ICE despite prior arrests.

President Joe Biden's Alleged Secretive Flights Program for Illegal Aliens

President Joe Biden is allegedly operating a secretive flights program to bring hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens into the United States each year, according to records obtained by Todd Bensman at the Center for Immigration Studies. The program involves a mobile app called CBP One, which has facilitated the entry of a significant number of illegal aliens into the country through various means, including flights to American airports. DHS officials have faced criticism for lack of transparency and accountability regarding this program.

White House engagement with Border Patrol

White House National Security Communications Adviser responds to claims that President Biden never spoke with former Border Patrol Chief by stating that Biden is engaged with DHS and Border Patrol, and visited the border for the second time last week.

Increase in Illegal Aliens Awaiting Deportation in the U.S.

The number of illegal aliens living freely in the U.S. awaiting deportation by ICE is projected to increase to over eight million by the end of 2024, triple the number in 2020. President Biden is expected to have nearly tripled ICE's non-detained docket by the end of his first term. Republican senators sought a vote of no confidence against DHS Secretary Mayorkas for this increase.

The Laken Riley Act and Immigration Policies

Rep. Mike Collins (R-GA) is introducing the “Laken Riley Act” in memory of a 22-year-old nursing student who was murdered by an illegal alien. The act aims to require the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to detain illegal aliens arrested for specific crimes like burglary and shoplifting.

Illegal Immigration and Crime

Former President Donald Trump spoke with the parents of Laken Riley, a nursing student allegedly murdered by an illegal alien in Georgia. The suspect, Jose Antonio Ibarra, benefited from Biden's catch and release policy. Republicans are demanding information from DHS Secretary Mayorkas regarding Ibarra's release.

House Homeland Security Committee demands documents from DHS regarding murder case

Republicans on the House Homeland Security Committee demand documents and information from DHS regarding a Venezuelan national charged with the murder of a Georgia college student, blaming the Biden administration's immigration policies.

AT&T Wireless Service Outage

AT&T restores wireless service after a temporary disruption caused by a software update. The outage was not due to a cyberattack but an incorrect process during network expansion. Authorities are investigating, and other carriers reported normal operations. No indication of malicious activity according to cybersecurity agencies.