Controversy Surrounding DHS Intelligence 'Experts' Group

The Biden administration has agreed to wind down a controversial intelligence 'experts' group after facing a lawsuit from a conservative legal nonprofit. The group was criticized for being partisan, with only 1% of political contributions going to Republicans and 98% going to Democrats. DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced the group in September, but it faced backlash for alleged lack of neutrality and balance. America First Legal sued DHS, leading to the agreement to wind down the group.

Key Points

  • Biden administration agreed to wind down the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group following a lawsuit from America First Legal.
  • Critics raised concerns about lack of neutrality and balance in the group, pointing to partisan affiliations of members.
  • DHS maintained that the group did not violate the Federal Advisory Committee Act but agreed to wind it down as part of the legal settlement.


  • The agreement to wind down the group shows a willingness to address concerns of bias and lack of neutrality.


  • The controversy highlights concerns about partisan influence in intelligence and national security efforts.