Controversy over Wikipedia labeling the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as unreliable on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Wikipedia's left-wing editors have declared the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) unreliable on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict due to bias. ADL defends Israel and is criticized for blurring anti-Zionism with antisemitism. ADL calls the decision 'disturbing' and 'devastating for the Jewish community.' Wikipedia also labels Russian state media, Fox News, and Amazon reviews as unreliable.

Senator Tommy Tuberville's Response to Trump's Conviction

Senator Tommy Tuberville claims that former President Donald Trump's conviction in his New York business record trial is a 'war on our constitutional rights'. He warns that the American people need to wake up to the threat to the constitutional republic.

Biden Campaign Co-Chair's Views on Biden Talking About Trump's Case

Rep. James Clyburn, Biden Campaign Co-Chair, believes President Joe Biden should not talk about the verdict in Donald Trump's case and let the judicial system handle it independently. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining democracy as a collective responsibility, not divided by party lines.

Criticism of New York's Prosecution of Donald Trump

Sen. Ted Cruz criticizes New York's prosecution of former President Donald Trump, calling it a kangaroo court and accusing the judge of acting as if the Constitution does not apply in New York State.

Political Bias in Department of Justice Investigations

Former FBI Director James Comey criticizes Biden DOJ for slow prosecution of Trump. Office of Inspector General under scrutiny for apparent political bias in investigations. AFL files FOIA request to investigate politically motivated employees in OIG. Several OIG personnel found to have partisan bias in donations and social media activity.

SBA Lawsuit Over Voter Registration in Michigan

The Oversight Project and the Heritage Foundation sued the Small Business Administration for allegedly stonewalling public records requests related to voter registration efforts in Michigan. The agency is accused of diverting resources towards partisan ends. President Biden's executive order on 'Promoting Access to Voting' is at the center of the controversy.

Controversy Surrounding DHS Intelligence 'Experts' Group

The Biden administration has agreed to wind down a controversial intelligence 'experts' group after facing a lawsuit from a conservative legal nonprofit. The group was criticized for being partisan, with only 1% of political contributions going to Republicans and 98% going to Democrats. DHS Secretary Mayorkas announced the group in September, but it faced backlash for alleged lack of neutrality and balance. America First Legal sued DHS, leading to the agreement to wind down the group.

President Biden's State of the Union Address

President Biden delivers a loud and confrontational State of the Union address in an attempt to rally wavering Democrats and combat concerns about his age and campaign strength. The speech takes hard punches at various adversaries and emphasizes the threat to freedoms from illiberal forces both at home and abroad.

President Biden's State of the Union Address

President Biden delivers a highly partisan State of the Union address, targeting Trump and Republican lawmakers, receiving mixed reactions from speechwriters, political consultants, and strategists.

President Biden's State of the Union Address

President Joe Biden's State of the Union address was seen as fiery, combative, and extremely partisan, focused on rallying Democratic and Democratic-leaning independents for his potential reelection campaign.

State of the Union address criticism towards Donald Trump

President Joe Biden delivered a highly partisan State of the Union address, mentioning former President Donald Trump 13 times while discussing various issues like Ukraine, January 6, abortion, healthcare, immigration, guns, and China.

President Joe Biden's State of the Union Address

President Joe Biden's State of the Union address included partisan topics such as Ukraine, January 6, and abortion. The speech was aligned with his radical-left base but may not appeal to those seeking unity. Biden emphasized the need to stand with Ukraine against Putin, condemned the January 6 insurrection, and criticized those advocating for a national ban on reproductive freedom.