Controversy over Wikipedia labeling the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) as unreliable on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Wikipedia's left-wing editors have declared the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) unreliable on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict due to bias. ADL defends Israel and is criticized for blurring anti-Zionism with antisemitism. ADL calls the decision 'disturbing' and 'devastating for the Jewish community.' Wikipedia also labels Russian state media, Fox News, and Amazon reviews as unreliable.

Key Points

  • Wikipedia editors voted to label ADL as 'generally unreliable' on the Israel-Palestine conflict
  • ADL criticized for bias in defending Israel and blurring anti-Zionism with antisemitism
  • Some Wikipedia editors and ADL spokespersons express concerns over the decision
  • ADL CEO, Jonathan Greenblatt, criticized for partisan actions such as calling for the firing of Fox News host Tucker Carlson