Ancient Amber Specimens in Lebanon

Lebanon holds a unique collection of ancient amber specimens that offer a glimpse into Earth's evolutionary history around 130 million years ago, showcasing the critical moment when flowering plants emerged and transformed the planet.

Key Points

  • The amber specimens date back to the early Cretaceous period, offering a window into a critical moment in Earth's history
  • The emergence of flowering plants during this period transformed the planet and led to the diversification of insect species
  • Paleontologist Dany Azar has made significant discoveries in Lebanon, including the oldest mosquito ever found


  • Provides valuable insights into Earth's evolutionary history
  • Unique collection of specimens not found elsewhere in the world
  • Opportunity to discover new species and rewrite textbooks


  • Struggles to garner local interest and protection for the specimens
  • Limited resources and support for research and preservation efforts
  • Challenges due to political unrest and economic instability in the region