Tensions along Israel-Lebanon border and Cuomo's anti-Hamas TV ad

Tensions grow along the Israel-Lebanon border as former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo condemns Hamas in a TV ad, addressing protesters sympathizing with the terror group and promoting understanding about the Israel-US relationship.

Israeli Military Strategy in Gaza

Israel signals a shift in tactics in its ongoing war in Gaza, aiming to free up resources for the conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon. The new phase involves less intense fighting and surgical operations targeting specific Hamas operatives and installations, conceding that the original goals of defeating Hamas and freeing Israeli hostages may not be achievable simultaneously.

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to evacuate Americans as tensions rise between Israel and Hezbollah. Israel plans airstrikes and a possible ground offensive in Lebanon. U.S. officials are concerned about a potential escalation but hope for a diplomatic solution. The U.S. is coordinating with allies for evacuations and military operations.

Escalating Tensions Between Israel and Hezbollah

The Pentagon is moving U.S. military assets closer to Israel and Lebanon to be ready to evacuate Americans as tensions escalate between Israel and Hezbollah. Israeli officials are considering airstrikes and a possible ground offensive in Lebanon. The U.S. and its allies are coordinating evacuations and military operations. Iran and Hezbollah prefer the current situation to avoid an all-out war. The U.S. Embassy in Beirut warned Americans to reconsider travel to Lebanon. Canada is also preparing contingency plans to evacuate Canadians from Lebanon.

Israel-Lebanon Tensions

Israel's prime minister and president tour northern border amid escalating tensions with Hezbollah forces in Lebanon. The U.S. urges a diplomatic solution to avoid war.

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant in Washington amid conflicts in Gaza and Lebanon

Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant is in Washington this week while Israel fights on two fronts - in Gaza and on the border with Lebanon.

Lebanon Repatriating Syrian Refugees

Lebanon is repatriating Syrian refugees despite UN warnings of danger in Syria. The refugees are struggling in camps, facing economic challenges, lack of education, and danger of arrest if sent back to Syria.

Current Events

U.S. Treasury Secretary announces new financial sanctions against fentanyl trafficking, home prices outpace paychecks, Israeli military approves offensive in Lebanon, younger Americans doubt sunscreen safety, and a new NPR series covers politically conservative mothers challenging Republican lawmakers in Tennessee.

Israeli military's potential offensive in Lebanon

The Israeli military is prepared for an offensive in Lebanon if diplomatic efforts fail to stop the conflict in Israel's north and Lebanon's south.

Threat of Hezbollah to Israel and IDF Offensive Plans in Lebanon

Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo discusses U.S. actions to mitigate the threat Hezbollah poses to Israel, as the Israel Defense Forces approve plans for an offensive in Lebanon against the terrorist group.

U.S. Denies Withholding Weapons from Israel Amid Accusations by Netanyahu

The Biden administration rejects Benjamin Netanyahu's accusation of withholding weapons from Israel. The U.S. denies knowledge of any such actions, maintaining that only one shipment of heavy bombs was paused, while billions of dollars of arms continued to flow into Israel. The Israeli military's ongoing assault on Gaza is under scrutiny for potential violations of the laws of war. Tensions are also rising along Israel's border with Lebanon, with threats of a potential offensive against Hezbollah. Discussions between the U.S. and Israel continue regarding weapon transfers.

Israeli Troops Using Trebuchet to Clear Brush Near Lebanon Border

Israeli troops used a trebuchet to launch fireballs over the wall near the Israeli border with Lebanon to clear dense brush. The IDF confirmed that the trebuchet was a local initiative by reservists at a northern outpost and not widely used.

Conflict between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

Israel has been engaged in a lower-level conflict with Hezbollah in Lebanon, which has led to daily violence and displacement of people on both sides of the border. The conflict is governed by unique 'rules of the game' that have restrained it for almost three decades, preventing an all-out war.

Cross-border tensions between Israel and Hezbollah

Cross-border fire between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has escalated during the 8-month Gaza war, raising fears of a full-scale conflict.

Conflict between IDF and Hezbollah in Lebanon

IDF eliminates senior Hezbollah commander in Lebanon, prompting Hezbollah to launch rockets at Israel's northern border. Israel responds by striking Hezbollah command and control centers. No injuries reported in the attacks.

Escalating Conflict Between Israel and Lebanon

The low-level war between Israel and Lebanon is escalating, with fears of a major conflagration. Israelis are anxious for the military to take action, with many believing a war with Hezbollah is necessary to alleviate tensions. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is in the region attempting to bring an end to the conflict in Gaza.

Current Events

Israel and Lebanon are in a low-level war, Southern Baptists are meeting in Indianapolis, and Apple partners with OpenAI.

U.S. Secretary of State Blinken's Visit to the Middle East

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken visits Egypt, Israel, Jordan, and Qatar to increase pressure on Hamas and Israel to reach a ceasefire in Gaza. Four hostages, including Noa Argamani, were rescued in a recovery operation. The conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah is dangerously poised.

US-Israel Relations regarding Lebanon Conflict

The Biden administration warned Israel against the idea of a 'limited war' in Lebanon due to the risk of escalation and intervention by Iran.

Attack on United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon

A man wearing ISIS insignia opened fire on the United States Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, leading to a gun battle with security forces. The gunman was arrested and the embassy remained in contact with Lebanese authorities for investigation.

Military Operations in Lebanon and Gaza

IDF conducts targeted operations in Lebanon and Rafah, taking out Hezbollah and Hamas targets, respectively. Israeli strike on a UN school in Gaza kills Hamas and Islamic Jihad terrorists. Biden criticized for handling of war with Hamas.

Tensions in the Middle East: Gunman Attack at U.S. Embassy in Beirut

A gunman opened fire at the U.S. Embassy in Beirut, Lebanon, as tensions rise between U.S. ally Israel and Iran-backed militant group Hezbollah. President Biden criticized Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu for prolonging the war in Gaza. Hezbollah continues to threaten Israel, and the situation remains volatile with the potential for a wider conflict.

Forest Fire in Northern Israel

Forest in northern Israel set on fire by rockets fired by Hezbollah in Lebanon

Poverty in Lebanon

Poverty in Lebanon tripled over a decade due to a financial crisis, with stark differences between regions and Lebanese citizens and Syrian refugees. World Bank report shows 73% of Lebanese and 100% of non-Lebanese residents qualify as poor under multidimensional poverty metric.

Re-evaluation of Syrian Refugee Situation in Europe

Eight EU member states are calling for a re-evaluation of the situation in Syria to allow for the voluntary return of Syrian refugees back to their homeland, emphasizing the need for more effective ways of handling the refugee crisis.

European Union's Re-evaluation of Syrian Refugee Situation

Eight European Union member states call for re-evaluation of the situation in Syria to allow for the voluntary return of Syrian refugees. The EU announces a $1.06 billion aid package for Lebanon to help manage the flow of asylum seekers and migrants. The countries emphasize the need for practical solutions to support Syrian refugees while considering the impact on local populations.

Syrian Refugees in Lebanon

Lebanon is urging Syrian refugees to return home, with some facing deportation and others voluntarily repatriating. The situation is complicated by anti-refugee sentiment, economic crises, and human rights concerns.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) operations in Gaza and Lebanon

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) continued to attack Hamas terrorists in Rafah and throughout Gaza on Israel's independence day despite international criticism. IDF troops eliminated armed terrorist cells and engaged in battles, targeting and eliminating multiple terror targets throughout the Gaza Strip. Unconfirmed reports surfaced of IDF soldiers enjoying fireworks in Rafah. Additionally, the IDF struck Hezbollah targets in Lebanon using bunker-busting bombs.

Israel-Hezbollah Conflict in South Lebanon

Israel carried out heavy airstrikes in south Lebanon, resulting in the deaths of three people. Hezbollah retaliated by launching explosive drones and powerful rockets at Israeli targets. The conflict has been ongoing for seven months, escalating tensions between the two heavily armed adversaries.

Syrian refugees leaving Lebanon

The number of Syrian refugees leaving Lebanon is increasing as aid funding is cut, causing pressure on Cyprus. Cypriot authorities have suspended processing asylum applications and deployed patrol vessels to prevent refugee boats from reaching Cyprus.

Ancient Amber Specimens in Lebanon

Lebanon holds a unique collection of ancient amber specimens that offer a glimpse into Earth's evolutionary history around 130 million years ago, showcasing the critical moment when flowering plants emerged and transformed the planet.

Leaked Photos of Hannibal Gadhafi in Lebanon

Leaked photos of Hannibal Gadhafi, son of Libya's late dictator, in a tiny underground cell in Lebanon have raised concerns. Libyan authorities demand improvements in his living conditions. Gadhafi has been held in Lebanon since 2015 after being kidnapped from Syria. A Lebanese delegation visited Beirut to discuss his release, but talks stalled.

Diplomatic Efforts to Deescalate Conflict on Lebanon-Israel Border

French Foreign Minister Stéphane Séjourné visits Lebanon to deescalate conflict on Lebanon-Israel border. Diplomatic efforts aim to broker a cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah. Western diplomats propose Hezbollah move forces from the border, beefed-up Lebanese army presence, and Israeli withdrawal from disputed points. Hezbollah links deal in Lebanon to Gaza cease-fire.

Fox News report on White House's support for Israel and Terry Anderson's passing

Fox News White House correspondent Peter Doocy reports on the diplomatic tightrope the White House is walking as it supports Israel while urging leaders not to strike back following Iran's weekend attack. Terry Anderson, the globe-trotting Associated Press correspondent who became one of America’s longest-held hostages after he was snatched from a street in war-torn Lebanon in 1985 and held for nearly seven years, has died at 76.

Terry Anderson, Longest-Held American Hostage in Lebanon, Dies at 76

Terry Anderson, the longest-held American hostage in Lebanon, has passed away at 76. He chronicled his abduction and imprisonment in his memoir 'Den of Lions.' Anderson led a varied life post-release, struggling with PTSD and financial issues.

Death of Terry Anderson, Former Hostage in Lebanon

Terry Anderson, an Associated Press correspondent held hostage in Lebanon for nearly 7 years, has passed away at 76. He chronicled his ordeal in a memoir and struggled with PTSD after his release. His daughter, Sulome Anderson, shared his story of forgiveness in her book.

Children's Arts Program in Lebanon Amid Conflict

Children displaced by fighting on the Lebanon-Israel border participate in an arts program in south Lebanon to bring normalcy to their lives amid missile strikes between Hezbollah and Israel. The program includes activities like drawing, theater, and photography to help children express themselves and cope with the trauma of war.

Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) Operation in Southern Lebanon

IDF commandos are operating in southern Lebanon to remove Hezbollah positions near the border. Four IDF troops were wounded in an operation near the Lebanese border. Hezbollah took responsibility for the explosion on the border.

Israeli Soldiers Wounded in Lebanon Explosion

An explosion wounded four Israeli soldiers within Lebanon in a suspected Israeli ground incursion against Hezbollah. Hezbollah claimed responsibility for setting off a landmine, while Israeli media suggested old ordnance may have been to blame.

Growing Anger in Jordan and Lebanon Over Gaza War

Public anger is growing in Jordan and Lebanon, two countries that have peace treaties with Israel, following six months of war in Gaza. Protests against Israel have escalated in both countries, with concerns of further destabilization in the region.

Israeli IDF halts leave for combat units after airstrike kills Iranian general

The IDF halts leave for combat units after an Israeli airstrike killed an Iranian general in Damascus, leading to threats of retaliation. Tensions are high as Iran vows to make Israel pay a 'heavy price.' Air-raid sirens sound in the North and near the Gaza Strip, with IDF attacking Hezbollah launch posts in Lebanon.

Allegations of Money Laundering Against Lebanon's Prime Minister

French anti-corruption groups file a complaint against Lebanon's prime minister Najib Mikati for alleged money laundering, questioning the origin of funds transited through the French banking system. Mikati denies the allegations and defends his family's integrity and transparency in business dealings.

UN Technical Observers Injured in Southern Lebanon

A blast injured UN technical observers in southern Lebanon, reportedly due to an Israeli strike. UNIFIL is investigating the incident, emphasizing protection of non-combatants. Escalating hostilities between Israel and Lebanon have resulted in casualties on both sides.

Political Divisions in Lebanon Over Hezbollah's Role in Clashes with Israel

Lebanon's political divisions over Hezbollah's involvement in clashes with Israel have been highlighted by a nun's praise of the Shiite militant group, sparking controversy and debate in the country.

Escalation of Conflict between Israel and Lebanon

Exchanges of fire have escalated between Israel and Lebanon, raising concerns of potential spread of war. Gallup poll shows increased disapproval among Americans for Israel's military action.

Visit to Matula, Israel

A visit to Matula, Israel's most northern town surrounded by Lebanon, one of the country's hardest-hit areas.

Israeli Drone Strike in Lebanon

An Israeli drone strike in Lebanon killed a Hamas member and a Syrian man, with Israel claiming the Hamas member was responsible for attacks against Israeli and Jewish targets worldwide.

Drone Strike in Lebanon

Israel's military released video of a drone strike in which a member of Hamas was killed near Tyre, southern Lebanon.

Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza Strip

Israeli academics sign petition urging government to prevent starvation in Gaza Strip, U.S. sends aid to Gaza, U.N. warns of tragic conditions in northern Gaza, IDF intercepts rockets from Lebanon, Biden pushes for cease-fire and prisoner exchange in Gaza, CIA Director meets with Mossad for hostage talks, Biden addresses frustrations with Netanyahu, U.S. provides food aid to Gaza amidst reports of starvation

Israeli Drone Strike Kills Hezbollah Operatives in Lebanon

Abbas Ahmed Halil, the grandson of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, was reportedly one of three Hezbollah terrorists killed in an Israeli drone strike in southern Lebanon. The conflict between Israel and Hezbollah has resulted in casualties on both sides, with ongoing tensions and potential for further violence.

Escalation of Airstrikes Between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon

Recent escalation of airstrikes between Israel and Hezbollah in Lebanon has resulted in civilian casualties and destruction of homes and infrastructure on both sides of the border. The conflict has forced thousands to flee their homes in southern Lebanon and has the potential to escalate into a full-scale war.

Israeli airstrike targeting Hezbollah commander in Lebanon

Israeli Defense Forces announce airstrike targeting and killing Hezbollah commander Hassan Hussein Salami in southern Lebanon, escalating tensions between Israel and Hezbollah.

Israeli military strikes Hezbollah targets in Lebanon

Israeli military strikes targets of militant Hezbollah group deep inside Lebanon, killing at least two people. Tensions escalate along Lebanon-Israel border as talks for Gaza cease-fire are ongoing.

Israel Defense Forces conduct naval exercises near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah

The Israel Defense Forces conducted naval exercises in the Mediterranean Sea near Lebanon to send a warning to Hezbollah. Clashes along the Israeli-Lebanese border have intensified as Hezbollah continues to fire rockets and drones at Israel. Israeli leaders have stated that if a diplomatic solution is not found, they will go to war in Lebanon.