Poverty in Lebanon

SOURCE www.foxnews.com
Poverty in Lebanon tripled over a decade due to a financial crisis, with stark differences between regions and Lebanese citizens and Syrian refugees. World Bank report shows 73% of Lebanese and 100% of non-Lebanese residents qualify as poor under multidimensional poverty metric.

Key Points

  • Poverty in Lebanon rose from 12% in 2012 to 44% in 2022
  • Stark differences in poverty levels between regions and Lebanese citizens vs Syrian refugees
  • 73% of Lebanese and 100% of non-Lebanese residents qualify as poor under multidimensional poverty metric
  • Limited progress on IMF bailout agreement and banking sector reforms


  • Detailed snapshot of economic circumstances in Lebanon
  • Highlighting stark differences in poverty levels within the country


  • Incomplete data due to lack of access to three governorates
  • Limited progress on reforms to address the crisis