Bitcoin Jesus Arrested for Tax Evasion

Early investor in bitcoins dubbed 'Bitcoin Jesus' arrested in Spain on U.S. charges of tax evasion totaling at least $48 million. Roger Ver renounced U.S. citizenship in 2014 after acquiring 131,000 bitcoins valued at over $114 million. Prosecutors allege he provided false information to undervalue his companies and bitcoins, depriving the IRS of $48 million in taxes.

Key Points

  • Roger Ver, early bitcoin investor, arrested in Spain for evading over $48 million in taxes.
  • Ver renounced U.S. citizenship in 2014 after acquiring 131,000 bitcoins valued at $114 million.
  • Prosecutors claim Ver undervalued his companies and bitcoins to evade taxes from 2014 to 2017.
  • Ver is accused of failing to pay taxes on distributions from his U.S. companies.
  • Justice Department plans to seek Ver's extradition to the U.S.


  • Prosecutors are taking action against tax evasion in the cryptocurrency industry.
  • Justice Department plans to seek extradition of Roger Ver, showing commitment to pursuing tax offenders.


  • Roger Ver faces serious charges of mail fraud and tax evasion.
  • Allegations suggest Ver provided misleading information to undervalue assets and evade taxes.