FBI Raids Home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao

FBI raids home associated with Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao along with other locations in an investigation involving the IRS and the US Postal Service.

Tax Elimination on Tips for Hospitality Workers

Former President Trump promised to eliminate taxes on tips if elected, specifically for workers in hotels, restaurants, and other jobs. This announcement was made during a rally in Las Vegas, Nevada.

CIA Prevented DOJ From Questioning Witness in Hunter Biden Probe

The CIA prevented the DOJ from questioning Kevin Morris as a witness in the probe of Hunter Biden, based on IRS whistleblower emails. Morris, a Hollywood lawyer who lent Hunter $2 million, was apparently involved with the CIA. AUSA Wolf and DOJ Tax Attorney Morgan were summoned to the CIA headquarters and told they could not pursue Morris as a witness. Morris is a key figure in the Biden family orbit, involved in Hunter's tax payments and legal defense.

IRS Whistleblower Records on Hunter and James Biden

IRS whistleblower records reveal a WeChat message thread from 2017 between Hunter and James Biden with a person named 'Dad' as the administrator. The thread's content is redacted, but it refers to President Joe Biden's son and brother. Further documents suggest Hunter Biden's involvement with the CIA and potential lies to Congress. House investigators launched a probe into the Biden family in 2022, revealing financial ties and payments from foreign business ventures.

CIA interference in Hunter Biden investigation

IRS whistleblower alleges CIA interfered in interview with Hunter Biden's associate, raising questions about potential obstruction of justice.

IRS Crackdown on Tax Cheats

The IRS is ramping up audits to crack down on tax cheats and increase revenue, focusing on wealthy individuals and large corporations. The agency received $80 billion in new funding to boost its workforce and customer service.

IRS Increases Audit Rates for Wealthy Taxpayers and Large Corporations

The IRS plans to increase audit rates of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations by 50% using funds from the Inflation Reduction Act. The agency assures that middle-class Americans earning less than $400,000 annually will not be targeted for audits.

IRS plans to increase audit rates of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations

The IRS plans to increase audit rates of wealthy taxpayers and large corporations using funds provided by the Inflation Reduction Act. The agency aims to modernize, improve services, and collect more tax revenue. The funding is also being used to hire additional staff and improve technology. Republicans have expressed concerns about potential targeting of small businesses and the middle class.

Senate Bill to Restrict IRS Employees' Use of Personal Devices and Bipartisan Effort to Strengthen Taiwan Supply Chain

Senate Republican Whip John Thune introduces bill to restrict IRS employees from using personal devices for taxpayer information after noncompliance with TikTok ban. Bipartisan effort to strengthen Taiwan supply chain amid China threat.

Bitcoin Jesus Arrested for Tax Evasion

Early investor in bitcoins dubbed 'Bitcoin Jesus' arrested in Spain on U.S. charges of tax evasion totaling at least $48 million. Roger Ver renounced U.S. citizenship in 2014 after acquiring 131,000 bitcoins valued at over $114 million. Prosecutors allege he provided false information to undervalue his companies and bitcoins, depriving the IRS of $48 million in taxes.

IRS Direct File Pilot Program

The IRS's new free Direct File pilot was successful after Tax Day. The decision on whether to continue the program will impact commercial tax preparation companies.

IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel Testimony

Senators question IRS Commissioner Danny Werfel about the just-finished tax-filing season and future plans for the agency.

Tax Refunds and Owed Taxes Trend

The number of tax refunds is down 3.3 percent, while the number of people owing the government is rising. This trend could be due to changes in how people work and how taxes are withheld from paychecks. The drop in refunds could have consequences for tax compliance and the IRS's ability to collect taxes owed.

Tax Policy and Financial Transparency in Biden vs. Trump Presidency

Tax Day reveals conflicting ideas about finances and tax policy between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, with Biden planning to release tax records and advocating for higher taxes on the wealthy, while Trump argues against revealing tax data and supports tax cuts for the wealthy to boost the economy.

Tax Policy Differences Between Joe Biden and Donald Trump

Tax Day reveals conflicting ideas between Joe Biden and Donald Trump on how much to reveal about their finances and the best ways to boost the economy through tax policy.

IRS Mismanagement

The IRS received $80 billion to target millionaire and billionaire tax dodgers but instead focused on middle-class earners. Despite promises not to increase audits for small businesses and households earning under $400,000, the IRS did exactly that.

CIA Denies Blocking Hunter Biden's Associate Interview and Hunter Biden's Legal Troubles

The CIA denies claims that it blocked an interview with Hunter Biden's associate Kevin Morris conducted by the IRS. Hunter Biden faces federal tax charges and gun charges, pleading not guilty to all charges.

IRS Warning on Unclaimed Tax Refunds for 2020

IRS warns taxpayers of unclaimed refunds totaling over $1 billion for tax year 2020, with a deadline of May 17 to submit returns. Taxpayers typically have three years to claim refunds, and the IRS advises gathering necessary documents to avoid missing the deadline.

Allegations of CIA Intervening in Hunter Biden Investigation

House lawmakers investigate allegations that the CIA intervened to stop an IRS interview with Hunter Biden's business associate, Kevin Morris. The investigation is part of the impeachment inquiry against President Biden.

Investigation into IRS's Use of AI to Surveil American Taxpayers

House Judiciary Chair Jim Jordan and Rep. Harriet Hageman are investigating the IRS's use of AI to surveil American taxpayers without legal process, raising concerns about privacy and civil liberties.

IRS Crackdown on Tax Evasion by Millionaires and Billionaires

The IRS is cracking down on tax evasion by millionaires and billionaires, aiming to collect unpaid taxes and ensure a fair system where every taxpayer contributes their fair share. With increased funding, the IRS is targeting complex tax returns and using AI to identify high-risk returns for audits.

False Claim about Tax Incentive for Housing Immigrants

The IRS has not introduced a tax incentive for U.S. families to house immigrants in exchange for labor. A satire claim circulating on social media has been debunked.