CIA Prevented DOJ From Questioning Witness in Hunter Biden Probe

The CIA prevented the DOJ from questioning Kevin Morris as a witness in the probe of Hunter Biden, based on IRS whistleblower emails. Morris, a Hollywood lawyer who lent Hunter $2 million, was apparently involved with the CIA. AUSA Wolf and DOJ Tax Attorney Morgan were summoned to the CIA headquarters and told they could not pursue Morris as a witness. Morris is a key figure in the Biden family orbit, involved in Hunter's tax payments and legal defense.

Key Points

  • CIA prevented DOJ from questioning key witness in Hunter Biden probe
  • Kevin Morris, a Hollywood lawyer, connected to CIA and Hunter Biden
  • AUSA Wolf and DOJ Tax Attorney Morgan summoned to CIA headquarters regarding Morris
  • Morris involved in Hunter Biden's financial transactions and legal matters


  • Reveals potential interference by the CIA in a DOJ investigation
  • Sheds light on the relationship between Kevin Morris and Hunter Biden
  • Raises questions about the handling of sensitive information in high-profile cases


  • Lack of clarity on how the CIA became aware of Morris as a potential witness
  • Deviation from normal investigative processes by excluding investigators from key meetings
  • Unclear implications of the CIA's involvement in this case