Job Security and Upskilling in the Face of Automation and Economic Uncertainty

A survey of 2,000 employed Americans reveals concerns about job security and the need for upskilling due to automation and economic uncertainty. Many workers feel they lack the skills needed for success and are interested in learning new skills to advance their careers.

Key Points

  • Survey highlights concerns about job security and the need to upskill due to automation and economic uncertainty
  • Many workers believe they lack the skills needed for success and are interested in learning new skills
  • Focus on the importance of continuous learning and adapting to changing job market demands


  • Increased awareness of the importance of upskilling to remain competitive in the job market
  • Opportunities for workers to enhance their skills and advance their careers
  • Focus on the value of continuous learning in a rapidly changing job market


  • Concerns about job security and potential unemployment due to automation
  • Challenges in keeping up with evolving job requirements and skill sets
  • Worries about the time and cost involved in upskilling