Response to Columbia University Anti-Israel Protests

NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell responds to City Councilor Tiffany Cabán's criticism of police handling of Columbia University anti-Israel protests, sparking controversy. Cabán accused police of authoritarian conduct, Chell defended police action, leading to backlash from progressives in City Hall.

Key Points

  • Cabán called police action a 'colossal disgrace' and an affront to democracy
  • Chell accused Cabán of hating the city and not representing the people


  • NYPD Chief of Patrol John Chell defends police actions in response to protests
  • Chell's response highlights the importance of accountability and civilized behavior in society


  • City Councilor Tiffany Cabán criticizes police for handling of protests
  • Chell's response draws condemnation from fellow progressives in City Hall