Columbia University Faculty Calls for Vote of No Confidence in President Over Handling of Protests

A faculty group at Columbia University has called for a vote of no confidence in President Minouche Shafik due to her handling of campus protests involving the NYPD. The protests resulted in the arrest of numerous students and faculty, leading to a militarized lockdown of the campus.

Key Points

  • Faculty group at Columbia University calls for vote of no confidence in President Minouche Shafik over handling of campus protests.
  • Arrest of protesters and campus lockdown following NYPD intervention have led to unrest within the Columbia community.
  • Renewed demands include reopening campus to faculty, staff, and students, and asking the NYPD to leave.
  • Concerns raised about erosion of trust and failure in decision-making processes since the Israel-Hamas war began.


  • The faculty group is advocating for increased transparency and adherence to university procedures in decision-making processes.
  • The call for a vote of no confidence highlights concerns about the use of police force and the impact on the campus community.


  • President Minouche Shafik and university officials have defended the decision to involve the NYPD in handling the protests.