Impact of Biden Administration's Changes to Title IX on Female Sports

The Independent Council on Women's Sports sent a letter to the United Nations in response to the Biden administration's changes to Title IX, arguing that male participation in female sports is an act of violence against women.

Key Points

  • The Independent Council on Women's Sports argues that the Title IX changes protect men at the expense of women.
  • Some states are challenging the legality of the new provisions, especially regarding transgender athletes.
  • The NCAA has adopted a 'sport-by-sport' approach to transgender student-athlete participation.
  • ICONS criticizes the use of 'acceptable' testosterone levels as a measure for transgender athletes.


  • Title IX was originally a federal law written to protect women from sex discrimination.
  • The administration's new rules broadly protect against discrimination based on sex, including sexual orientation and gender identity.


  • The new provisions could negatively affect women by potentially compromising their privacy and safety in single-sex spaces like locker rooms and bathrooms.
  • The changes have sparked legal challenges from several states.