NSJP's Call for 'Unity Intifada' at U.S. Colleges

SOURCE freebeacon.com
National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) issued a call for 'unity intifada' at colleges in the U.S., mobilizing pro-Palestinian agitators for a 'national day of resistance' following Hamas's attack. NSJP's toolkit provides guidance for organizing protests and normalizing terrorism against Israel.

Key Points

  • NSJP mobilized pro-Palestinian agitators for a 'national day of resistance'
  • Toolkit aimed to organize protests, foment unrest, and normalize terrorism against Israel
  • Court case filed against NSJP and American Muslims for Palestine for supporting Hamas
  • Congressional interest in the materials and their implications


  • Provides insight into NSJP's campus playbook and strategy
  • Encourages students to take action and join the Palestinian resistance
  • Raises awareness about the Palestinian cause and challenges Zionism


  • Allegations of providing material support to Hamas through campus protests
  • Risk of promoting violence and terrorism against Israel
  • Potential to create division and conflict on college campuses