Apple iPad Pro Ad Uproar

The uproar over an Apple ad promoting the latest iPad Pro is deemed stupid and a result of social media outrage culture. The ad compresses various art forms into the iPad Pro, but some people misinterpret it and feel offended, leading to Apple pulling the ad. The author criticizes those who fabricate outrage over trivial matters and points out the irony of them likely still purchasing the product.

Key Points

  • Social media outrage culture is criticized for fabricating offense over trivial matters.
  • The ad compresses various art forms into the iPad Pro, but some people feel offended by it.
  • Despite the outrage, the author points out the irony of those likely still purchasing the new iPad Pro.


  • The ad showcases the capabilities of the new iPad Pro in a creative way.


  • Some individuals misinterpret the ad and create unnecessary outrage.