Apple iPad Pro Ad Uproar

The uproar over an Apple ad promoting the latest iPad Pro is deemed stupid and a result of social media outrage culture. The ad compresses various art forms into the iPad Pro, but some people misinterpret it and feel offended, leading to Apple pulling the ad. The author criticizes those who fabricate outrage over trivial matters and points out the irony of them likely still purchasing the product.

Apple's new iPad Pro ad controversy

Apple's new iPad Pro ad, featuring a hydraulic press crushing various creative instruments to showcase the product's thinness and power, has faced criticism for being tone-deaf and negative. Critics feel the ad symbolizes technology crushing creativity and the human experience, contrasting with Apple's previous uplifting marketing. Apple has since apologized and pulled the ad from TV.

Apple's new iPad Pro ad 'Crush'

Apple's new iPad Pro ad, named Crush, has received a backlash for its heavy-handed approach to creativity. Despite CEO Tim Cook's praise, many have criticized the ad for insensitivity and misstep. The ad has disabled comments on YouTube, while Cook's tweet has garnered millions of views with mixed reactions.

Biden Campaign's Ad Targeting Nikki Haley Voters

Biden campaign launches ad targeting former Nikki Haley voters, aiming to sway them to support the Democrat's re-election, using Trump's past comments against Haley as leverage.

Biden's Campaign Ad Strategy for State of the Union Address

President Biden's campaign is launching a $30 million ad buy to promote his State of the Union address, aiming to portray him as a strong leader and contrast that image with former President Trump's. The ad will run in seven swing states and has already garnered significant viewership.