AI Digital Replicas of Deceased Loved Ones in China

China is reportedly seeing a new trend of using AI to create digital replicas of deceased loved ones, allowing people to interact with them. While some find comfort in this technology, ethical and legal questions arise regarding consent and responsibility. Concerns about the impact on mental health are also raised.

Key Points

  • AI technology in China is being used to create digital replicas of deceased loved ones
  • Companies like Silicon Intelligence and Super Brain offer these services
  • Growing trend rooted in Chinese cultural traditions
  • Raises ethical and legal questions about consent and responsibility
  • Concerns about impact on mental health and grieving process


  • Provides comfort to those grieving the loss of a loved one
  • Reflects Chinese cultural traditions of connecting with the deceased


  • Ethical questions regarding consent of the deceased
  • Legal issues on responsibility for inappropriate responses
  • Concerns about potential negative impact on mental health