Russian President Putin's Visit to China

Russian President Vladimir Putin visited China to strengthen economic and political ties with Chinese President Xi Jinping. They signed a 30-page document marking 75 years of bilateral relations and declared a deepening partnership. Putin expressed satisfaction with the talks and highlighted the growing trade ties between Russia and China.

Key Points

  • Putin and Xi signed a joint statement to deepen the comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Russia
  • Both leaders emphasized the importance of economic cooperation and reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar
  • Putin visited Tiananmen Square and laid a wreath at the Monument to the People's Heroes
  • Xi Jinping expressed support for Russia's actions in international relations and emphasized cooperation on ports and logistics


  • Strengthening economic and political ties between Russia and China
  • Signing a 30-page document to deepen the partnership between the two countries
  • Growing trade ties and investment projects between Russia and China


  • Putin's authoritarian regime and the ongoing invasion of Ukraine by Russia
  • Xi Jinping's support for Russia's actions in Ukraine and other international conflicts
  • Concerns about China's use of slave labor and its impact on global supply chains