Reconstruction of Million-Year-Old Skull in China

A study reconstructed a million-year-old skull found in China, suggesting it may belong to the 'Dragon Man' lineage, which is related to the Denisovans and is close to the last common ancestor of H. sapiens and the Dragon Man lineage.

Key Points

  • Skull found in Yunyang District of Hubei province, Central China may belong to Homo longi ('Dragon Man') lineage.
  • Reconstructed skull suggests it is close to the last common ancestor of H. sapiens and the Dragon Man lineage.
  • Denisovans, another archaic human species, are related to the Dragon Man lineage.
  • Yunxian 2 skull is considered an early member of the Dragon Man lineage.


  • Provides insights into human evolution and the origins of different lineages.
  • Contributes to the understanding of the Denisovans and their relation to modern humans.